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  1. darkp

    Drainage & Return Pump Questions!

    The drain height & return head height is approximately 5 feet. I have it designed with 3 90's in mind for both. How much does each 90 decrease the return flow? Should I try to reduce these with flexible line? I'm considering a mag18, but still not sure. Thanks again for the help.
  2. darkp

    Drainage & Return Pump Questions!

    I'm having my tank drilled today with a 1.5" drain and 1" return. I've found mixed results all over the place on drainage and suggestions for return pumps to use. Any answers/suggestions would be great! - What is the gph drainage on a 1.5" drain? (i've read a few places - 1300 gph) - What do you...
  3. darkp

    Unidentifiable Things.... please help.

    Yeah they have the open V ended head, with a very small red dot at 1 end.. I left the lights off for a day and have reduced the cycle now to about 7 hours light/day. Setup is 55 gal, about 50lbs of LR, 90-100 lbs LS ( roughly 4" deep ). Ammonia=0,Nitrite=0, Nitrate=0-5ppm. skimmer... 2 perc...
  4. darkp

    Unidentifiable Things.... please help.

    Recently i've had an outbreak of these square, flat, brown, with 1 red dot at the top, worm looking things. If anyone can help me identify these & if they're bad/good, possible ways to remove them??? They seem to migrate from the LR that they started from to the glass walls where i can easily...
  5. darkp

    Unidentifiable Things.... please help.

    Recently I've had an outbreak of all these little flat, brown, with 1 little red dot at the top worm like things multiply like crazy? They've coated 1 piece of LR, and transfer from it to the sand, and all over the glass sides. I can easily scrape them off the glass, but each day I don't seem to...
  6. darkp

    Moving tank inhabitants....

    Well, i just finished moving all my inhabitants from my FO tank to my new 55 gal. Question is, after taking everything out of my FO tank except the CC, there still are TONS of pods & critters left in the CC of my old tank (easily visable at night). Should i consider trying to transport some of...
  7. darkp


    I love my purple firefish! When i got him from the LFS, i thought he'd be shy from watching his behavior at the store (he wouldn't come out from under a rock). When i first put him in my FO tank, one of my perc clowns snagged a BIG chunk outta his back fin. Because of that, I constructed him a...
  8. darkp

    Oh my.. lighting recommendations.

    This selection is kinda narrow, so hopefully won't get too outta hand. I'm looking for a PC setup to fit into a 48" long, 6.5" wide space. I've been looking over the web now for quite some time and am having problems finding a decent setup for those restrictions. Most i've found are 4 lamp...
  9. darkp

    my temp is constantly 86+ help!

    If you're looking for a ghetto, cheap way for fans. I had problems with my 20gal overheating b/c my upstairs doesn't get too good circulation. I borrowed this lil' heater fan from my friend. I think he got it at walmart... Anyhow, it has a a *fan only* setting.. Using a brick and some CD cases...
  10. darkp

    Newbie question for sure but help me>>

    Depends really on which way you want to go. I've been running my FO tank for almost a year without a protein skimmer with good results. No disease or deaths, levels all suprisingly good. However, i do have a protein skimmer on my 55 gal to *hopefully* ensure i keep flawless water conditions for...
  11. darkp

    lots of empty shells i see$#!@

    Blue legs will look for new shells as they grow. I have yet to see one molt, however i've seen my scarlets molt many times already. From what my LFS told me about blue hermits, is that they will eventually compete & take over each others shells if none are provided in the tank for them to grow...
  12. darkp

    Nature's Ocean Live Sand

    Hey alienated.. i'm recently setting up my new 55 gallon with ls. Been running a 20 gal fish only for quite some time now with CC. Off what i've gathered from the boards and research, i've done a 4" ( looks like a lot in a 55 gal tank ) bed. The weights came up to about 90 lbs ( give or take...
  13. darkp

    clowns laying down?

    Recently got 2 perc clowns ( 2 days ago ) both this afternoon seemed fine... tonight however i noticed one of them is laying on the bottom, not breathing heavy, upright, just sitting on the bottom. Is this normal behavior? Is it possible stress from acclimating to the new tank? Sorry to sound so...