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  1. wtm

    Advantages with PC lighting

    Okay BurnNSpy, so what will the pc light do for me??
  2. wtm

    Advantages with PC lighting

    What does VHO stand for?? I currently have one actinic and one white tube lights. This is on a 35 gallon tank as well. So, is there any advantage to go from that to PC lighting??
  3. wtm

    Advantages with PC lighting

    What are the advantages of using a Power Compact lighting. I have the chance to upgrade, but I am not sure. Help me decide. WTM
  4. wtm

    new light fixed problem

    I originally had a white light with an Aqua Coral. Then that Aqua Coral one blew, so I tried a Marine Glo. I am blaming that Marine Glo on turning my 35 gallon tank brown. I then bought a Coral Life, and thinks are getting back to normal again. As for the clean up crew, all I have is six...
  5. wtm

    new light fixed problem

    I posted a question about lighting that was covering my tank with brown whatever. I changed to another type of bulb and the brown is almost all gone. Thanks to the help of a better light and a small clean up crew. However the water still looks cloudy when looking at it fronm the sides. Will...
  6. wtm

    Green water!!??

    I have a skilter filter 250, and my tank has been running for almost two years. WTM
  7. wtm

    Green water!!??

    I have a 35 gallon retangular tank. When I look into the tank at the ends, the water looks like a green cloudy color. Is there a fix for this?? How often should I have to clean the glass?? I have to clean it daily because of the brown this normal?? WTM
  8. wtm

    What is a diatom bloom

    Beth, thanks for that information!! So how long will it take for the ugly brown to disappear?? So it will not hurt my fish?? I have a Yellow Tang, Coral Beauty and a Saebae clown. And my tank has been running for almost two years now. The new bulb I bought has a 'regular' intensity rating...
  9. wtm

    What is a diatom bloom

    I have excess brown algae growing in my 35 gallon tank. I recently changed one of the bulbs and is when the problem started. People here said it is a diatom bloom. What is this?? Is it good or bad?? Is it something I should fix?? Is it related to the new bulb?? Any info would be a help...
  10. wtm

    Low Intensity lighting

    Bobber thanks for the reply. What is a clean up crew?? My tank is a 35 gallon that has been running for almost two years. What is a diatom bloom??
  11. wtm

    Low Intensity lighting

    I have a Marine Glo light and the rating on the package is 'Regular' intensity. Should I get the Marine Glo light that has 'High' intensity?? Ever since this 'regular' intensity I have been having a brown algae problem. Will the higher intensity help??
  12. wtm

    Need light suggestion

    Okay, so what is the fix?? The brown algae needs to be cleaned off the glass daily. And all of my live rock is now brown.
  13. wtm

    Need light suggestion

    So, do I have a light problem. Remember that this brown algae happened after the new light.
  14. wtm

    Need light suggestion

    pH is 8.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 Sallnity 1.020 I am using tap water with stress coat as I always have. And the only thing I have done lately is replace the burnt out bulb.
  15. wtm

    Need light suggestion

    I have about 30 pounds of live rock, and a coral beauty, yellow tang, and a saebae clown. My tank has been running for almost 2 years.
  16. wtm

    Need light suggestion

    Thanks for the replies. My tank has been running for almost two years. This brown algae has never been this bad, and before it would clear up in a few days. I think I will take a chance and try another light. This may sound dumb, but what is better, the blue or purple light?? (still new at...
  17. wtm

    Need light suggestion

    Yeah, it is a salt water tank. What should I look for in a bulb regarding these numbers?? I do check the water quality often and it checks good. The brown algae is covering everything and is not clearing up. I am afraid that the light I have now is doing harm to my fish and live rock. Need...
  18. wtm

    Need light suggestion

    I have a white and a purple light on my 35 gallon tank. The purple one blew so I replaced it with a Marine Glo. The numbers on the box read Lumens 970 Lux 80 Kelvin n/a What do these numbers mean?? My tank is over growing with brown algae and I think this light is the problem. What light do...
  19. wtm

    Need help with light numbers

    I lost one of the tube lights in my 35 gallon tank. I bought a Marine Glo but ever since I have a lot of brown algae. What does the numbers mean?? Lumens 970 Lux 80 Kelvin n/a What do I need to look for in these numbers? WTM :eek:
  20. wtm

    Yellow tang with clouded eye

    I have a yellow tang that has a clouded eye. What can I treat him with?? I have Tetra anti-bacteria and anti-parasite treatment. Is this cloud eye caused by a bateria or parasite?? -WTM