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  1. ozman213

    Hippo Tang

    Well, now all of the spots are gone...all of the bumps have gone. I'm going to keep an eye on it obviously. But for now it doesn't seem as though there is a whole lot I can do. My temp is at about 79-80º I use a coralife super skimmer. And no my tang has no signs of hlle. Very bizarre, I'm...
  2. ozman213

    Hippo Tang

    Also as seen in th pic directly seems there is some distention in his tummy...not sure if that's related. But it does appear that throughout the day the white portion of the disease has lessened. But there are still raised bumps on the fish some of which have white heads.
  3. ozman213

    Hippo Tang

  4. ozman213

    Hippo Tang

    The spots are actually the color of the fish...they look exactly like I would expect a zit to look on a fish. Raised spots with white heads....they look black in the photo, but are not. I must do something about my camera. I have had the fish for nearly a year now. Otherwise is healthy...
  5. ozman213

    Hippo Tang

    The color's are a little screwy with my camera....the bumps are white not dark colored.
  6. ozman213

    Hippo Tang

    Hey all, I have a hippo tang that recently developed white spots. Don't appear to be ick comparing to the pictures. It seems more like the lymphocyctis pictures. There are probably 10 spots on his body and fins. The majority look like (for lack of a better term) zits. Bumps with a white...
  7. ozman213

    Hitchhiker curiosity

    That was my guess too, but I was under the impression that all anemones needed intense lighting to live. Interesting little guy though. But if he's bad he's gotta go.
  8. ozman213

    Hitchhiker curiosity

    Hi all, I did read the sticky post for hitchhiker identification, but I'm still not absolutely certain on what this is. I don't yet have the lights to support a reef tank, but it appears to be some kind of anemone. Any help is much is it a good guy or bad guy?
  9. ozman213

    My plan...good or bad

    Thanks everyone. This is why I ask before I do things. Just so I'm clear, and because I'm paranoid. If I take out all of the fish, rock and water(except just enough to cover my substrate. Leaving probably 40lbs of substrate(IIRC) and probably 10-20 lbs of water....I can move my tank without...
  10. ozman213

    My plan...good or bad

    My only concern is that I am under the impression(which may be wrong) that if you remove all the water/sand/rock etc from the move it...the result is a messed up bio system and that a mini-cycle would occur...I would rather not subject my fish to that ... the other option may be worse...
  11. ozman213

    My plan...good or bad

    Really? According to several books I've read, you can have an estimated 1" of fish per 2-2.5 gallons of water. So I'd be looking at 30"ish of fish in my 75 gallon...According to the normal groth maximum adult size that I've seen...I'd be in that range when they are fully grown. Clown won't...
  12. ozman213

    My plan...good or bad

    So I have a 75 gallon tank that has been up and running for about 1 year. I have 6 smallish fish. 1-small (1.5") maroon clown 1-small (1") yellow tail damsel 1-small (1")3 stripe damsel 1-small(2") Blue tang 1-3" Lawnmower blennie 1-3" Foxface Rabbitfish All are healthy and seemingly happy. I...
  13. ozman213

    Cleaning crew

  14. ozman213

    Cleaning crew

    Morning all, I have a 75 gal tank, that has finished its cycle and now I have the diatoms. Looks like my substrate and rock have rusted. Anyway, I have received conflicting opinions on whether or not a cleaning crew would be a good fit for my tank. I only have 13 or so lbs of live rock and a...
  15. ozman213


    Hello all. I have grown tired of trying to guess what number my hydrometer is pointing at, or what point in the surface tension the floating glass one is supposed to be read at. I have decided to purchase a refractometer, I went to a particular web site which allows bidding to purchase your...
  16. ozman213

    New to hobby, something is wrong with my blue damsel

    Thanks for the advice, I too like the idea of having a microuniverse for my fish. I truly do want to keep things as healthy as possible. There is just so much to learn, and so many differences of opinion. I spend at least an hour a day(lately) reading the posts on this site, and more than...
  17. ozman213

    New to hobby, something is wrong with my blue damsel

    So, I'm fairly confident that my damsel is on his way out. What started as a spot of flesh has turned into what appears to be the top part of his head missing flesh. It's white now(maybe his skull or muscle showing through). He is now not eating at all. The thing I'm most concerned about is...
  18. ozman213

    New to hobby, something is wrong with my blue damsel

    A possibly better picture
  19. ozman213

    New to hobby, something is wrong with my blue damsel

    Thank you for the replies. I will certainly have to look into a sump system. And maybe I'll have to change my grim views on live rock, I don't really think it's pretty(but the fish may), and it's really expensive. According to what I've read, to get the "proper amount" of live rock, I'd need...
  20. ozman213

    New to hobby, something is wrong with my blue damsel

    Yes, it appears to be hanging flesh. I realize now that the way I have my tank set-up is probably not ideal, but I never intend to have a reef tank, I wish to have a fish only tank for the forseeable future. I read the book cover to cover, and went to the lfs several times, looked at what they...