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  1. agentgq

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    Very nice Dekon
  2. agentgq

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    nice tank. Love the coralline
  3. agentgq

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    Originally Posted by nissan577 sign up for the contest! I'm trying to figure out what the whole thing is about. I'm not the best with photoshop.
  4. agentgq

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    thanks Nissan
  5. agentgq

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    Thanks, it's a stock jbj 24. I had a 70watt MH in it before, but I didn't like the heat issues and the color of the light. I'm going to be setting up another stock cube in the very near future, I need to order a ballast first.
  6. agentgq

    Can I frag this Xenia like this?

    I find the toothpick method the easiest for xenia and mushrooms. It takes no effort and the rubber band holds the frag in place until the piece takes hold. Plus with the toothpick inserted you have something to hold onto when the xenia or polyp shrinks.
  7. agentgq

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    various mushrooms xenia hammer coral 1 true percola 1 yellow wrasse 15 or so turbo snails 12 or so blue legged hermit crabs 1 red legged hermit crab 1 strawberry crab tank up since aug. 2005
  8. agentgq

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    Hey everyone, I haven't been on this site in quite a while but I would like to get into the nano club. I was a total greenhorn when I started in 2005, but I think I have come a long way. I will put up some updated pics later. Later, I have a clip on Youtube from last year for now...
  9. agentgq

    3 stripped Damsel

    thanks, I'm going to try that tonight. How did I not think of something that simple? Thanks again
  10. agentgq

    3 stripped Damsel

    My 24 jbj has been up and running since august 2005 with no problems but 1. The first fish that I put in were a 3 stripped damsel, a true percola clown, and an algea blenny. My only problem is that now the Damsel is so aggressive that no matter what type of polyp, invert, coral, or anything...
  11. agentgq

    24nanocube stock light

    Thanks Bob, Did you ever get that protien skimmer?
  12. agentgq

    24nanocube stock light

    Thanks for all of your replies
  13. agentgq

    True Percula and Gonipora HELP!

    My true percula is wreaking havok on my gonapora and my green star polyps. What can I do to stop this. I'm thinking of ordering a long tenticled anemone to get him off of them. But I don't know if my stock nanocube dx lighting will support them. any suggestions PLEASE!
  14. agentgq

    Non-Anemone Host for Perculas

    My clown is really beating the Hell out of my Goniporia and green star polyps. The polyps don't seem to mind too much though. I need to get an anemonie or something that he won't kill.
  15. agentgq

    24nanocube stock light

    I have 24 nanocube dx. I was wondering what type of polyps, corals, and mushrooms have people had success with :notsure: in the upper third of the tank with the stock lighting. I have had more sucess on the mid to lower levels with all of them. Thanks.
  16. agentgq

    Hitchhiking lobster?

    I had to move a piece of live rockl the other day( when I posted this in the wrong spot) and when I did I saw a little ( length of thumnail ) crustation that had the appearance of a crayfish! It was almost clear in color kind of like a frozen shrimp. He scooted backwards like a crayfish does...
  17. agentgq

    Stupid question?

    I was also told that if you add rock to your tank that is live but not properly cured that it will cause your tank to start to cycle again. I'm just looking to have all of my rock ready when I'm moved and ready to set up the large tank.
  18. agentgq

    Stupid question?

    I took my time and bought it a little at a time. I believe the rock was cured when I got it. but by the time I added all of my fish I'm sure it was cured judging the ammonia readings were 0. I was going to start a quarentine tank but never got it going, so the rock that was in there ended up in...
  19. agentgq

    Stupid question?

    I've been in the hobby for a few months now. I have jbj 24dx that is doing fantastic. Now for my problem. I'm ADDICTED!!!!! I have a 55 gal that I want to start slowly, just to cure rock. I have the desire to get things rolling now. My 24 was easy because it came with the filtration and...
  20. agentgq

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    I had to move a piece of live rock yesterday and when I did I saw a little ( length of thumnail ) crustation that had the appearance of a crayfish! It was almost clear in color kind of like a frozen shrimp. He scooted backwards like a crayfish does, right into my base rock. I saw him long...