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  1. ubersalt

    Beginner corals?

    So what corals would be the easiest to start with in terms of hardiness and maintenance?
  2. ubersalt

    So I just got my new PC lights...

    Originally Posted by CELACANTHr oh im sorry if i sounded mean. Nothing of the sort. Chin up bud
  3. ubersalt

    So I just got my new PC lights...

    Originally Posted by Symon I have the 48" set from corallife, all of mine are on, i think you guys have some defective lights, I also left the bands on, i thought they where meant to give some holding power, LOL had them running for months and no fire! I believe the Coralife ones are 10K and...
  4. ubersalt

    So I just got my new PC lights...

    Originally Posted by CELACANTHr I sure didn't! It's ok. I 've seen you on these boards a bit and you have been very helpful to a lot of people
  5. ubersalt

    So I just got my new PC lights...

    Another quick question, am I supposed to leave the retaining rubber bands on? And yeah, got this from the website I bought it from: The Dual Actinics are half 420nm and half 460nm--which is an ideal combination of actinic lighting. The 420nm is a true actinic, and is more purplish and very dim...
  6. ubersalt

    So I just got my new PC lights...

    They are the Current USA Orbit 2x65 30" version. It comes with dual actinic bulbs (420nm/460nm) and the 10K brite light. On the dual actinic bulb it looks like one bar of the bulb is a lot bluer than the other. In fact the other bar of the bulb looks to be off. Is this how it is supposed to...
  7. ubersalt

    All-In-One Testing Probe?

    Is there such a thing? A rod that you would insert into your tank and within minutes it would tell you all the levels of salinity, nitrates, nitrites, pH, ammonia, etc? Of course it would be expensive but it would help out the lazy people out there.
  8. ubersalt

    How many have pronounced anemone wrong?

    This was when I got started a few years back and went to the fish store and asked about the clownfish and heard about their relationships with anemones. So I asked the guy "So can clownfish survive without the presence of 'a-ne-mones'? With a straight face (probably laughing inside) he said...
  9. ubersalt

    New pics of my tank!!!!!!!

    Wow thats a nice tank. Good work
  10. ubersalt

    Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!

    Originally Posted by Jerthunter Well here is a wonderful picture of my wonderful Aiptaisa Anemone and one of my favorate and only yellow tang. Aren't aptaisia bad? Or do I detect sarcasm
  11. ubersalt

    Do fish fins grow back?

    Cool, thanks everyone
  12. ubersalt

    Do fish fins grow back?

    I have a maroon stripe clownfish and looks like it's tail fin got nipped on a few times by my valentini puffer (since traded in). Stupid question but do these grow back? Thanks
  13. ubersalt

    What other fish to get?

    Well I traded in my valentini puffer because he was going to be a nuisance for the corals. Got a few emerald crabs I will take all of your suggestions into consideration. Thanks
  14. ubersalt

    This site still doing those giveaways?

    Probably wrong board but a few years back this site was doing those "Post number 150 gets $75 worth of fish" deals. It was cool and fun at the same time. Do they do that anymore?
  15. ubersalt

    What other fish to get?

    I have a 29 gallon FOWLR but will be getting corals later when I get my new lights. I have only 3 fish now: Maroon stripe clownfish, royal dottyback, and valentini puffer. The maroon is the biggest while the other two are rather small. They have been in there for a year and seem happy. No...
  16. ubersalt

    Which power compact is better?

    I bought the timer at another site for $30 shipped. It may be a bit pricey but has the day/night capabilities and also wave making capabilities.
  17. ubersalt

    Which power compact is better?

    Well I bit the bullet and bought the 30" Current USA Orbit model. Also bought the Coral Life Power Timer. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully my 29 gallon (remeasured and looks like I have 29 gallon not 30 gallon) will not overheat due to the extra heat emitted from the lights
  18. ubersalt

    Which power compact is better?

    Thanks for all the replies. I will purchase the Current USA, just not sure whether to get the Satellite or the Orbit version. Fishmamma, you said you had the satellite and you can buy legs for it so it sits above the tank right? I am hoping this is the case because I don't have a canopy and...
  19. ubersalt

    Which power compact is better?

    I have a 30 gallon fish tank with only live rock and fish now. I'm thinking of corals in the future so I want some power compacts. I'm looking for 192W from either Coralife or Current USA Satellite Are these two any different and what would be your preference in terms of quality and...