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  1. texasfish

    So I got the cleaner shrimp!

    if she is as large as mine the smaller fish will not let the shrimp rideon them. the only fish i have that allows a real cleaning is my c.b. angle. my clown, and royal gramma are still small and won't allow it and the lawn mower blenny just don't seem to be interested.
  2. texasfish

    what fish should i get?

    for a "marine compatability chart". it gives a goo way to check what will co-exist with what.
  3. texasfish

    question about amazing light show

    the spheres about the size of a small pencil eraser were on the live sand and rocks when they "poped" hundreds of of pen head size dots filled the tank. most drifted with the current but some appeared to propelle themselves even against the flow. :notsure:
  4. texasfish

    question about amazing light show

    but if you could do a short summery!?!? did a search on yahoo, but most were about open water reefs and not aquarium. this was definatly a hatching of some sort, first guess was a coral hatching but not sure if thats even possible. it has been a week and none of the inhabitants are showing any...
  5. texasfish

    question about amazing light show

    close enough to cause this, by the way it only lasted 2 hours and to my knowalge has not repeated, of course if it happened in day light hours no one would notice!
  6. texasfish

    question about amazing light show

    ok last sunday morning (4am) i woke up to see a bunch of little glowing dots in my 45 gal. tank. i woke the rest of the family and we watched as some "larger" green glowing balls poped into hundreds tiny glowing balls filling my tank with a non-blinking firefly like light show. shined a small...
  7. texasfish

    Things my local fish store told me...

    go to yahoo and search "compatibility_chart.cfm" and you will find a good starting chart, usually lsted first.
  8. texasfish

    skimmers are a black mark on the hobby!

    chipmaker i'm glad your coral life super skimmer is working for you, however the one i got leaks around the red adjustment knob.
  9. texasfish

    questions for aquac remora owners

    hey guys got a coral life super skimmer that just plain sucks, leaks around the ajustment nob hard to adjust bubbles etc. thinking of getting a remora w/the 800 pump (my tank is 46 gal.) how hard is the remora's to clean? as access to the back of my tank is limited. thanks in advance.
  10. texasfish

    Aqua Remora Install Question

    hey guys got a coral life super skimmer that just plain sucks, leaks around the ajustment nob hard to adjust bubbles etc. thinking of getting a remora c w/the 800 pump (my tank is 46 gal.) how hard is the remora's to clean? as access to the back of my tank is limited.
  11. texasfish

    faster propagation of zoos

    someone smarter than me will have to answer #1 but if i remember my biology right zoo=animal life zoa=plant life?
  12. texasfish


    you just can't beat 1st hand experance. got good liting, will drop the wrasses form the list and bump the manderian and anemone to the end of the list.
  13. texasfish


    thanks blemmy guy, by adding cleaner crabs (hermitt?) and snails do i need to reduce my fish number?
  14. texasfish


    started a new tank, 46 gal bow front, dual wheel bio-filter, protein skimmer. cycled with live sand, 1lb live rock, 5 black mollies (mollies have been moved to fresh water tank now). now have 1 yellow tail damsel, 1 blue damsel, 1 moroon clown. looking to add in two weeks: more live rock (how...