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  1. ddboy

    I hate my loud pump- please help pick new one

    For internal. I highly recommend ehiem. I had a mag18 before and now just switch to an ehiem 1260. Although the Mag is rated so much higher in flow rate. But the ehiem is pulling pretty much the same amount of water but much much quieter and less energy consumption. Since Mag needs free...
  2. ddboy

    is this skimmer to much?

    if you are getting a lot of wet bubbles out to the point you have to empty it every few minutes, I think may be you are adding those slim coat thing in your tank, skimmer can't have those in the tank and it will skim it away. that size is good for your tank. If you add slim coat to your tank...
  3. ddboy

    JBJ Arctica Chiller

    I have a 1/4 hp jbj on my 150g plus 40g sump. and it does the job well, so for a 90 would be little big, I would go with a smaller one for your use. especially your area is not that not. My room temperature here in the summer is around 90 degree. And yes, they do put out alot of heat.
  4. ddboy

    Return pump

    I have a 150g with 1 downpipe and I just switched to a ehiem 1260, I don't see any drop from a mag 18 I was using before. ehiem is very good for restrictions. you a mag if you are going to have at least 1 inch plumbing. otherwise, it is no different from the ehiem I just got, much quieter and...
  5. ddboy

    Anyone use 2 return pumps?

    unless you are home all day waiting for the pump to go out or power to go out. It makes sense to use 2 pumps and back up battery. It is nothing compare to what most people spend on their livestock. I have never had a pump failed on me. but it seems like I am never home when power goes out...
  6. ddboy

    Anyone use 2 return pumps?

    It is a back up battery. The APC Smart 1400 UPS I got has 8 outlets for you to plug stuff in. It is designed for computer equipment. But the Smart model can be used to drive mechanical pumps. So I just plug one of my pump into it. If power goes out then the battery will kick in. And it...
  7. ddboy

    Anyone use 2 return pumps?

    I think it will be better for 2 return pump in case one of them fail. I also plug 1 of my pump to a UPS just in case of power outage as it happens alot in the summer here in South Cal.
  8. ddboy

    Ozone Readings

    I think it is normal as it is the same for my 150g. but I have more fish than yours. mine will come on if I feed my fish more that day. and I keep mine around 350 or so. I notice a day or 2 after I change my water. It does change too much. When it drops alot in a day, then I know it is...
  9. ddboy

    refugium lighting

    Thanks again for all your help. I think you have a good argument there. I do have a chiller in my tank. as far as pod goes, that is not my concern, since my tank is almost a fish only tank, I have a few shrimps, 10 fishes, an anenome, and xenia in it. I just want the most natural and best way...
  10. ddboy

    refugium lighting

    Thanks everyone for helping out. I guess I want my macro to be working all the time. but what is the draw back of this, if there is any? I only have that and a shrimp in the sump. The coral banded shrimp was put there cause I think he is a little bully in my tank.
  11. ddboy

    refugium lighting

    Thanks, so just use it reverse of the tank light then?
  12. ddboy

    probably a stupid question

    get the python kit that attached to a faucet. that's how I clean my sump sometimes. And the evaporation is normal, you just need to find a way to add fresh water to your tank constantly. I used a 2.5g doser sits on top of my sump to refill. I have to do that every 3-4 days on my 150g.
  13. ddboy

    refugium lighting

    Can anyone tell me their experience with the lights in the refugium? I have the Chaetomorpha algae on ecosystem mud. Should I have the lights on 24/7 or on only when my display lights are off?
  14. ddboy

    anyone has experience with using ozonizer?

    I got my red sea ozonizer plus and I installed it already. and I didn't run the return water through any carbon. And so far it is okay, my fish doesn't seem to feel any affects and I have raised the ORP from about 170 now to 300. And the water does look much cleaner.
  15. ddboy

    EcoSystem 2410 Feedback

    I have a 150g with the 3616 ecosystem pro. which includes the ASM skimmer. I am running 2 mag pumps for the return, so the water flow in the 2nd chamber is very good, sometimes I think it is just flowing too fast. as far as the filtration is concern. the real filters are the live rocks and...
  16. ddboy

    Please help end this confusion - size of filter/refuge cavity

    I would say about a 30 gallon should be suffient. 10-15 gallon could be on the danger level if something ever went wrong. I have a 150g and a sump of about 40gallon and it doesn't have too much more room left when I shut off the pumps. but 30gallon should fit under your stand.
  17. ddboy

    Flame Angel, last addition

    if you are going to add it. keep him in a container for a few days and let him get used to the environment. And add it at night after you turn off all the lights. I just added a flame angel to my 150g with a medium size queen and blue face in it. And they get along fine. but once in a while...
  18. ddboy

    anyone has experience with using ozonizer?

    Thanks for your help, I got the unit already, but how do you run the return water through carbon? The ASM skimmer, on the return, it just shoot back to the sump. And is it really nessesary to run it through carbon on the return? I have read different thing. And if someone really know this...
  19. ddboy

    anyone has experience with using ozonizer?

    I am considering getting a red sea ozonizer with probe and air drier. has anyone has use one of this equipment before. I would like to hear from you. I heard that you have to run it through carbon on the return. I don't know how to run it, since I have an ecosystem refugium that has an ASM...
  20. ddboy


    Can anyone tell me what does ozonizer do and is it important at all to have it? I have a 150g with an ecosystem set up running a skimmer with it