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  1. ddboy

    ASM G-3 for 90G?

    I would use either G1 or G2 as the G3 is pretty big for a 90g. and the 3500gph would be enoungh. I have a g3 on my 150g tank.
  2. ddboy

    eco aqualizer

    I am using it. but see no differece. can't tell if it works. I don't think it worth the money even if it works.
  3. ddboy

    Vanishing Algae in Fuge

    I had the same problem with mine when I first set it out. but I added a little of iron from Kent. and it started growing like crazy.I have to take about half of it out every 2-3 weeks. and 24/7 lighting is a must.
  4. ddboy

    need help with my protein skimmer!

    I don't know if I got your question right? is water shooting out of the unit? i have the same skimmer on my 150g. and it works great. the only thing I would ask is if you have check if the plumbing is correct. and also lower the pipe where the water comes back out. and for the water level...
  5. ddboy

    Ecosystem..doesn't need

    I think the cheapest way is to build one yourself and I don't think there are much different than regular sand versus the mud. But I am just stating my experience. I am not saying it is better than others. but my fishes are healthy and I would recommend a skimmer if there is fish in the tank.
  6. ddboy

    Anemones Spitted

    thanks for the info. today they shrink to a very small size. but i think it should be fine. and i will probably keep them as my 2 clowns like to switch sleeping between them. since the only coral i have are 3 clams and xenia, which is spreading too.
  7. ddboy

    Orange Shoulder Tang

    i have one that's start changing color right now. it is actually not as aggressive as purple tang. I have also a purple and a hippo blue. they are OK in my 150g
  8. ddboy

    my powder blue got ick

    I don't think the UV is the problem. I think cupramine is toxin. I have tried kick ich before and it did cure my tank. but the most important thing is to have better water quality and patience. and try to give them better diet. add garlic and vitamin C to your food. Cleaner shrimps will...
  9. ddboy

    Ecosystem..doesn't need

    I Have The Ecosystem Pro Series On My 150g, And It Comes With The Asm G3 Skimmer. It Works Great, And The Owner's Manual Said To Use It At Night For About 8 Hrs Or So A Day. And I Still Do My Weekly Water Change. My Fish Are Very Healthy And My Anenomes Even Spitting Into 3. So Far I Have No...
  10. ddboy

    Anemones Spitted

    One Day After I Came Home From Work, I Saw My Anemones Has Spitted Into 3. Has Anyone Have Any Experience? And Is There Anything I Need To Do? Like Feeding Them Or Anything.
  11. ddboy

    ID this please

    I think it is an anenome. I have the same thing on my hermit crab. now the crab die so it went to the rocks.
  12. ddboy

    10GL Pic

    it looks really good. do u have a skimmer in this thing? how often do you have to change water if you dont? I have a 24 nano cube as a QT. but might want to turn it into something like yours.
  13. ddboy

    anyone has pink tail trigger or queen angel

    thanks for the info. my tangs are pretty small. so I don't think that will be a problem. but regarding the shrimps. I was thinking the same thing. but really don't want to lose them. ANYONE ELSE? How about the angels
  14. ddboy

    anyone has pink tail trigger or queen angel

    Has anyone has pink tail trigger before. are they aggressive and reef safe. I am considering one and my source say it is a relatively peaceful fish and would not eat shrimps and corals. I have a 150 semi reef with the following fishes. 2 clowns, 1 blue hippo tang, 1 orange shoulder tang, 1...
  15. ddboy

    is my ballast going bad?

    If it is a metal Halide. It is normal for the bulb. it will take a few days before it will work properly. It happened to mine when I set it up
  16. ddboy

    light choice

    and here is a couple picture of my tank. I don't think I am the guy you guys are referring to.
  17. ddboy

    light choice

    I am from LA. I have been reading alot of post to learn and get ideas on my tank. I will post my tank pictures when I have a chance to take some pictures. I was thinking about getting more corals as I think my system can handle it. I have an Ecosystem with my tank. But my favorite fish is a...
  18. ddboy

    light choice

    thanks for the advise. I was thinking of getting 14000k, but will 20,000k be too much blue? and what effects do the different Kelvins has on corals, this is not a reef tank. It is more of a fish tank with some hardy corals and clams and anemones. Thanks again for all your help.
  19. ddboy

    light choice

    I want to know what do difference kelvin in the lights do? I have just set up a new MH with 2 10,000k and 2 actinic blue power compact. the 10,000k lights are just a little too bright and white that I can hardly see the blues. I want to see some blues and don't know what are the effects...