Search results

  1. twinclan

    Jebo MH or refurb PC?

    This is what I am looking at, 3x24W T5 Lighting hanging lamp inst. of halide lamp 3ft. This only gives me 72w I don't know if that would be enough. I don't know how to judge with T5 lighting. I do have a bubble tip in there that likes the light
  2. twinclan

    Jebo MH or refurb PC?

    Should maybe I consider T5 lighting? Anyone know, I found some on the auction site from the uk that are t5. I just am not an expert with this at all.
  3. twinclan

    Film on top of water!

    I have a protein skimmer but no overflow box, I still get it and can't get rid of it
  4. twinclan

    Jebo MH or refurb PC?

    anyone with any ideas or opinions??
  5. twinclan

    Film on top of water!

    I would love to know too. I have this and cannot get rid of it. My LFS sold me some kind of skimmer that you hook onto a powerhead but I can't fit it on my tank to skim this film off. I can't get rid of it either.
  6. twinclan

    Jebo MH or refurb PC?

    By the way I had to put on my old lamp that came with the tank, yeah a whole 25w 50/50 bulb. I don't know how long my corals or anemomes will be ok with these. I have a 46g bowfront that is deep.
  7. twinclan

    Jebo MH or refurb PC?

    HI to all! My jebo/odyssea pc light just took a big dump and died on me yesterday when I wasn't home. I am now debating on buying a jebo MH from {EDIT} or I am also looking at getting a refurb unit {EDIT LINK} there is about a $40 difference. I want to maybe spend about $200 max and want to get...
  8. twinclan

    36" Coralife Lunar Power Compact Light

    So you still have these lights?
  9. twinclan

    Need help with Toadstool

  10. twinclan

    Need help with Toadstool

    anyone got any suggestions?
  11. twinclan

    Need help with Toadstool

    I got a nice big toadstool for christmas from the 2 doctors. It was doing fine but I just noticed a hole in it. It still is opening up and its nobbies are coming out but it has a hole in it where it has disintergrated. I have been sick for the past week and have not been doing much on the tank...
  12. twinclan

    Aquarium equipment for sale CHEAP!

    I am interested in some of your lighting. How much. You can email me at and we can talk if you don't want to do it here. Thanks!!
  13. twinclan

    Is this dead?????

    sorry everyone, I failed my anenome. I had to take it out, it's mouth was inside out and it was really slimey. I am not sure if I did the right thing or not, but I think this was disentegrating so that is why my amonia may be up. Maybe I will try again in a few months.
  14. twinclan

    Is this dead?????

    Nothing has died that I know of, I am not sure if my sebae was dead, it did look it so I took it out right away. I don't think that I have any dead snails. I feed a little bit of flake in the morning and then a little frozen concotion in the afternoon.
  15. twinclan

    Is this dead?????

    it is a 46g bowfront. Yes, everything has been running smoothly. I have fed the anemone with some frozen shrimp preperations. Everyday I feed the fish a mixture of frozen shrimp including spirulina, omega 3, emerald entree yada yada yada. No there is no film on the top. I have a canister filter...
  16. twinclan

    Is this dead?????

    p.s. the green bta keeps moving around my rocks. It does not like to stay put for long
  17. twinclan

    Is this dead?????

    ok, my lighting is 2x96 watt power compact. I just tested my water and my ammonia is at .25 I think. The saltwater master test kit is hard to read, it is somewhere between 0 and .25. My PH is 8.3, nitrates and nitrites both 0.
  18. twinclan

    Is this dead?????

    Thanks, I wasn't sure what to do with it. like I said, I just don't want it to kill anything else. I really don't want to flush my $40 for this down the drain either though.
  19. twinclan

    What is your first name?

    Originally Posted by CELACANTHr then you are not old! If you feel young, then you are young is how I see it. My godparent, is 60, and he is SO youthful! if you heard of him, you would expect him to be 20! Thanks! I needced that today!!!! :cheer:
  20. twinclan

    Is this dead?????

    Can anyone tell me do I just flush this now?? I don't want to poison my tank or anything!