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  1. dfreeman64

    plumbers putty?

    florida Joe, if you can find that name brand PLEASE get it to me! Thanks Dewayne
  2. dfreeman64

    plumbers putty?

    Still having trouble with my aquascaping. Holdfast is not working, someone suggested plumbers putty??? Anyone use it and is it safe to put into existing reef tank. Any other suggestions as to how to hold pieses together without a tank break-down to rebuild? Dewayne
  3. dfreeman64


    Ok, back on the original subject lol The worms are more red in color than brown. There was no apparent scsrring on the gobie, but a blenny that I've had for about 3 months does have some scars on one side. My tank has been running for 3 years or so and numbers are stable at 1.025 0-10...
  4. dfreeman64


    Any thoughts on catching/trapping them? I've lost a couple sand sifter gobies and lyretail anthias. Moved some rock around and found 2 about 2-3 inches long. I know there are more. Anyone have a way of catching? Dewayne
  5. dfreeman64

    RO/DI takes FOREVER....

    How old is the unit and how long since last filter change? My tds was still good but flow was very low. Swapped out filters and back came the flow. My .02 worth Dewayne
  6. dfreeman64

    trying something new

    Yes it will work and I've got some myself. Just keep in mind, the great stuff will be very BOUYANT !!!!!! I made a volcano looking stang thing and had to epoxy it to the bottom to hold it down, I did go a little large on my set-up tjou. Dewayne
  7. dfreeman64

    Red Slime /Sump

    Have some small patches of Red Slime on the walls of my sump. 150MT and 60gal sump. QO-6000 driving water circulation. There was a small patch in fromt of some LR that I had in there and with re-position of LR it went away so I believe my circulation is ok, dual overflow from the MT. Question...
  8. dfreeman64

    Fighting Tangs

    My Yellow and Purple tang started fighting over the holiday. They have been together for 5 months with only light posturing going on. now the PT has some scrapes on his dorsal area and seems to be getting the short end of fights. Will try to catch and separate but any ideas on why fighting now...
  9. dfreeman64

    emporer angel

    Thanks for the response. Would be in a 130 for now but the upgrade to 250 is well in the works. Tank in hand, just getting the rest of the money drainhg stuff together. Dewayne
  10. dfreeman64

    im going crazy please help

    Another item, did you recently change bulbs ? If its just green film algea, new bulbs could cause the outbreak. Dewayne
  11. dfreeman64

    emporer angel

    What is their growth rate? I like the color of the adult and was curios to know in an aquarium, how long woulg it take for a juvi to change color? Dewayne
  12. dfreeman64

    Any Tang suitable for 55 gal tank

    Well there is your hook! Tell her that you MUST get the larger tank to keep the tang that SHE wants and you are only doing it to make her happy!!!! instant upgrade and it's all her fault! Dewayne And no i would not try that with my wife but yours cant hurt me lol
  13. dfreeman64

    In the wild.

    thats why some folks use wave makers. Simulates the tidal action and creates an turbelent flow within the tank. My.02 worth Dewayne
  14. dfreeman64

    Emperor /Reef

    Thanks for the replies folks, tank is 150 with only 5 other fish, tank is 4 months old after re-set up. Will wait awhile longer to add but deff. considering taking a shot. If does not work, I can go aggressive. Dewayne
  15. dfreeman64

    Emperor /Reef

    Considering adding one to my quasi reef. I only have a few shrooms,flower pot,monti, pnk milli, few zoos and one fungia. Have been told they will eat brain coral and not other types. Any one tried to put one in and how did it work out? I know fish have personalities just like us and just...
  16. dfreeman64

    Holdfast ?

    thanks seemed like it would be OK but never hurts to ask Dewayne
  17. dfreeman64

    Holdfast ?

    Anyone use this stuff wet ? as in aquascaping within the tank? I've use it out of the tank and after it hardens, put in the water but never tried it as a wet application. Thoughts Dewayne
  18. dfreeman64

    MH and Actinics

    Just a thought.. When my MH are on, and I turn off the actinics, visually I see no diff.The MH overpower the actinics. So I set my timers up to turn the acts off when the MH came on and back on when the MHs went out. Seems I had alot more algea on the glass with this method and more growth on my...
  19. dfreeman64

    meleve reef

    What happen to Meleves' page??? my saved spot is not working and cant goggle for some reason
  20. dfreeman64

    Psycho Purple Tang

    150 with only 5 other fish.