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  1. jzuse

    CPR BakPak Performance??

    I have the same skimmer and I noticed that when I changed the air line tube for a longer one, it seemed to work a better. Maybe its just me. But another thing that you can do is keep adjusting the air intake valve.
  2. jzuse

    Protien Skimmer ?

    I have the CPR BAK-PAK 2R+ with the 1200 Maxi-Jet power head and I am having a problem with tiny bubbles getting back into the tank. I know that they make something for this but, form the dimensions it seems like it’s a big old thing. It’s getting to be annoying, even when I feed it starts...
  3. jzuse

    Help with trapped Rose Bulb

    Its great that it was able to get out but look at how it looks now sorry about the pic quality.
  4. jzuse

    Help with trapped Rose Bulb

    he just got out/let go of the intake funnle
  5. jzuse

    Help with trapped Rose Bulb

    Yeah it seemed like just the tentacles got into the prop a couple of them looked a bit tore up, but it also looks like some of the column is sucked in to the basket as you put it. What kind of sponge do you recommend, and will that affect the skimmer? and while on the skimmer if i where to put...
  6. jzuse

    Help with trapped Rose Bulb

    Ok should I disconnect the intake funnel form the power head or should I leave it connected? Well I guess my question is which is better, because this is a first to me so I took and left the intake funnel out and the anemone was all the way in kind of looks like it might have gotten to the prop.
  7. jzuse

    Help with trapped Rose Bulb

    :help: I got up this morning to find that my anemone got up into the power head of my protein skimmer . I am not sure if anyone is familiar with the CPR models but I tuned it off and took out the intake funnel and he really is stuck in there good. How do I get it out of there? Any suggestions...
  8. jzuse

    Green Slime

    My tank all of a sudden started breaking out in this green slime looking stuff. What sould I do I havent had time to test the water, but I will as soon as I can. But what can I do to get rid of it.
  9. jzuse

    I need some QUICK HELP!!

    Sad to say both he and the coral beauty passed, now all I have is on clown fish left
  10. jzuse

    I need some QUICK HELP!!

    Cool Thanks!!
  11. jzuse

    I need some QUICK HELP!!

    I would imagine there is no difference, Well I realy dont want to use the copper in the main tank I have corals and inverts
  12. jzuse

    I need some QUICK HELP!!

    Yeah he is eating a little he is very pickey. And was that a 30 day treatment with copper?
  13. jzuse

    Question about BTA

    Thanks thats good to know.
  14. jzuse

    I need some QUICK HELP!!

    Ok that sound like sound advice, but will the copper affect the coral beauty? I also just lost one of my new clown fish, so now this sucks. So I can dose the OT with coppersafe, melafix and pimafix? and if so how long should I let the fish stay in there?
  15. jzuse

    I need some QUICK HELP!!

    I am using hypo because after a couple of days in a QT I noticed some white spots on two of the fish, this one and a clown fish. When I first got the fish his tail fin was already damaged like that, but there were no signs of anything else. The fish store said it was some kind of bacterial...
  16. jzuse

    I need some QUICK HELP!!

    I just got home and found my six line wrasse not moving it and is seems like it has some kind of swelling on its tail fin. It almost looks like it is a white transparent film but the scales look really defined. I have him and a Coral beauty and two clown fish in QT and I am perfoming hypo I just...
  17. jzuse

    Question about BTA

    Ok I understand that it will not get ick but will the water inside the anemone have ick?
  18. jzuse

    Gun Control

    Originally Posted by Oaktree I agree with you I feel the same way. It all starts at home. I myself have been around guns my whole life, I have pics where I am about 4yr. old shooting my dads little .25. I have grown up in a family of hunters and have learned to respect firearms, and the key...
  19. jzuse

    Question about BTA

    I know this may sound dumb but what are BTA made of, I mean do they absorb water form the tank to expand and stretch out? Now my question is if they do absorb water is it possible for them to carry ick? And if so how can you take care of this? Thanks