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  1. mermaiden7

    is my condy splitting?

  2. mermaiden7

    is my condy splitting?

  3. mermaiden7

    ID please.

    Not really sure what kind it is. got it from my LFS.
  4. mermaiden7

    ID please.

    I wish it would it is very cool lookin'!
  5. mermaiden7

    How big? How much?

    HOw big is your tanks? How much money (ballpark figure) do you hve invested? Not talking about extras (ex: RO/DIs, Filters, sumps refufiums) Tank only and the inhabitants.
  6. mermaiden7

    ID please.

    I just noticed it the other day. Is it dead? If it is could it come back? (The sea thing rises from the dead) LOL
  7. mermaiden7

    OK, I give...I am getting rid of my CC

    I made the switch too!!! I think it was the best thing i could have done besides getting live sand in the first place. My parameters are right on now. They where jumping around alot when i had the CC!
  8. mermaiden7


    Should I be testing for all of these: low and high pH, iron, nitrite, phosphate, nitrate, calcium, GH, KH and ammonia? All i test for is PH Nitrate nitrite and ammonia. What is a good brand for the rest of the test kits? The one i use now is made by aquarium pharmicuticals
  9. mermaiden7


    It is a 10 gallon with 96W PC> I use RO from LFS
  10. mermaiden7


  11. mermaiden7

    New pics of 10 Gallon

    I have 1 cinnamon clown but he always hides under the filter outflow lip... He is crazy. I also have a green cuke, 5 small hermits, and 1 turbo.
  12. mermaiden7


    I have this problem too. I just got PC lights about 2 weeks ago and that is when it started. When i turn out my lights at night it goes away. But after about an hour after i turn them on in the mornings it is back again. Parameters: PH 8.1 Amm 0 nitrate 0 nitrite 0 SG 1.022 ( will raise up to...
  13. mermaiden7

    New pics of 10 Gallon

    This is at the 2 year marker... Ill post another in a few months
  14. mermaiden7

    Help Needed Quicly - Anemone and Clam Question

    I now have 96 w PC. I hope that helps
  15. mermaiden7

    i need a skimmer

    cool where is a good place to get one from?
  16. mermaiden7

    i need a skimmer

    I have been lookin at a few diff. skimmers and the one that caught my eye is the visi-jet for up to 70 gallons i have a 10 gallon so i need something small.....Any suggestions?
  17. mermaiden7

    ID please

    well when you have a crappy camera you get crappy pics
  18. mermaiden7

    ID please

  19. mermaiden7

    Getting rid of all Corals.

    cool!!! are you willing to ship them? I am in alabama how much would it be for shipping?
  20. mermaiden7

    Water Changes

    i have a 10g and change 2 gallons every week... I seems to be working very well.... I have heard that 10 gallons are hard to keep because they are so small but i h avent had any major out of whack situations yet