Getting rid of all Corals.


Active Member
Here is what is left.
Button polyp with Athenias
candy cane frag
button polyps frags
Green Star Polyps frags
Cabbage Leather whole coral
Carpet Leather 2 frags
toadstool leather frag and big one
zoos- brown orange center 20+ polyps
zoos- start off orange then to purple and then to


Littlebuck.. Im catching onto this thread late.... I was wondering if I could jump on board with something.. I dont have any corals yet in my established 90, but i have 265W PC, and was wondering if I could get anything? I dont know what your doing if your trading or what.. but let me know.. thanks!


Active Member
Thanks everyone for helping me out. I am looking to get rid of my whole 72 gallon bow front. I still have alot of corals. And i just dont have the funds to care for the tank like it should since being out of work and also with possible move i dont want to have 3 tanks and try to move them all. So if anyone close to NC wants a nice set up please let me know. If i have to part it out i will later on but like to try to sell the whole set up. I also have a few extras that i am going to get rid of. I have 3 sets of PCs lights 2 are 2-55 watt and the other is 1-96 watt. They all have reflectors and bulbs even though i dont know how old the bulbs are. I also have a 6 Stage RO/Di with drinking water connection and spare tank. If you want some pics please e-mail me So if you are intrested in anything please let me know


I would love to get that frogswawn and ric. I will be up there this weekend I am in south carolina how much do u want 4 it


Active Member
Im not getting rid of the frogspawn as of right now and if i end up doing that its spoken for sorry. The ric is also in my smaller tank and i dont know what they go for Since its starting to split 3 ways i might wait until it does. I have alot of other items that are not listed since they are to big to ship. So if you want anything shot me an e-mail


Littlebuck, I love my corals. Here is a picture of the colt frag that you sent me. I could not get a clear picture of the other one.

I have several corals that have started to pop up on my rock. I emailed you a picture of one of them. Don't know what it is. Looks kind of like a trumpet coral.