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  1. sdkraft01


    I had a major disaster happen last saturday. My 100 gallon tank broke at one of its seams and I had to move eveything out asap. Since the move everthing seems fine except my ritteri anemone he's been all shrunk up until this morning and tonight I was walking by and noticed that he had shrunk up...
  2. sdkraft01

    Post a pic of ur clownfishes!

    Here are mine :happyfish
  3. sdkraft01

    ------>post pics of your anenomes

    Originally Posted by ruaround AmandaL...where did you get those black and whites??? are they pers or sebeas??? If it was online would you mind emailing me? Hey I know a site. If you want to know email me and I'll tell you.
  4. sdkraft01

    Black Onyx Clownfish

    This is my Black Onyx Clownfish with its Ritteri anemone.
  5. sdkraft01

    just wondering

    I haven't changed anything. I have had it for about 4 weeks.
  6. sdkraft01

    just wondering

    I have a Ritteri Anemone and it is always moving around. Is that normal? Its seems to being doing fine. I have taken a lot pics with it in different places in my tank.
  7. sdkraft01

    making pics smaller

    How do I make my photo smaller. It says that its to big.
  8. sdkraft01

    Sick Clownfish - Please Help

    how long have you had your clown? i had a clown do that after i bought it and it died a day later i figured it was from shock?
  9. sdkraft01

    Clownfish together

    thank you hopefully everything will be fine i recived the pair today but the new male was doa so hopfully the two i have left will pair up. it is larger than the one i already have but not a whole lot do you think that this will be a problem?
  10. sdkraft01

    Clownfish together

    I recently purchased a mated pair of black onyx clownfish several days after getting them the larger of the two the female died. Can someone tell me if its ok to introduce a new mated pair with the small one I have left, I'm assuming that its a male? They would be in a 100 gallon tank with two...