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  1. keeffie

    thinking about selling

    fish i still have the ro through me a e-mail. KEEFFIEB@MSN.COM i have no clue as for how much i want for it though so include a offer please.
  2. keeffie

    South Central PA

    live in n.c willing to meet or go there what do you have for livestock? lr? ls? fish? anything that can not go in storage.
  3. keeffie

    thinking about selling

    i am thinking about selling my 75g drilled in corners,canopy,stand,pc lighting,wetdry,ro [ bare bones],75lbs lr,60 lbs ls,test kits,salt,everything you need for a nice setup. tank does have a couple af scratches in it but still looks good. throw me some offers. perfer to sell as a setup but may...
  4. keeffie

    75 gallon tank For sale with all accesories in GA

    kruel- if you don't find any i may be taking down mine. got 60lbs ls and 75 lbs lr
  5. keeffie

    thinking of taking a break

    well as the title says thinking of taking a break. i have a 75 gal drilled [return in eack corner] [some scratches] home made canopy[ very good quaility] and stand. plus more. 75 lbs lr and 60 lbs ls 260 watt pc lighting squid [ wave thing] wet/dry rated for 125 gal with skimmer box bare bones...
  6. keeffie

    Clowns With Lil Air Bubbles

    Running A Wet/dry So No Bubbles From That But As I Look Today The Bubbles Are Gone So It Must Of Been Some Kinda Air Bubbles. But Thank You For The Assistance
  7. keeffie

    Clowns With Lil Air Bubbles

    2 Of My 3 Clowns Spent Most Of Yesterday On The Sand. "appered They Were In Middle Of Something" They Were Out And About Swiming Everwhere After. Lastnight When I Left On Just The Aquatics It Appered There Was Little Air Bubbles On Them. Would This Be Eggs? Anyone Have A Idea?
  8. keeffie

    72 gallon reef ready tank in Myrtle Beach, SC area

    Keep Me In Mind If The Deal Falls Through. I Am Still Interested In The Lights
  9. keeffie

    75 Gal Pic my tank has 260 watt pc lighting."not sure if enough yet" but i plan on upgrading after march. as for the anemone i got it free from here so it is a trial and era thing. but the doc in clown fish and anemone forum has all the answers plus...
  10. keeffie

    Anemone Color & ID Question

    Swf Said It Is A Pink Tip Hation. As For Transluant It Has Only Been In There For 2 Days, But I Did Manage To Feed It Some Krill Lastnight So We Will See How She Looks Today. She Was A Freebie So I Have No Clue About Anything To Do With Her.
  11. keeffie

    Anemone Color & ID Question

    [img]Standard 75gal Lights Are About 4 Inches From Water And We Will Say 8 From Where He Decided To Put Himself. Thanks For The Response.
  12. keeffie

    Anemone Color & ID Question

    hey thomas. i just got a free hation pink tip [from here] i know nothing about these so i need some of your expertize. what does it eat? will it live under 260 pc lighting for a little while? [untill i get the funds to upgrade][ hopfuly soon] how long does it take before my clowns notice it...
  13. keeffie

    75 Gal Pic

    that was the plan. the chidren wanted finding nemo so i got them nemo.
  14. keeffie

    75 Gal Pic

    Thank You
  15. keeffie

    75 Gal Pic

    [img]This Is The Current Stage As Of This Mourning. Thanks For Looking.
  16. keeffie

    75gal Canopy And Painted Back

    [img]this Is After I Painted The Back. But I Built This Canopy For It A Couple Of Weeks Ago Just Wanted Some Thoughts On How It Came Out.
  17. keeffie

    72 gallon reef ready tank in Myrtle Beach, SC area

    If You Part Out I May Be Interested In The Lights. Do You Have A Pic?
  18. keeffie

    5.5 Gallon setup + 6 Stage RO DI Unit

    Second On Ro Unit. WHAT IS THE BRAND?
  19. keeffie

    Hair Algee On Lr

    the price is free.[ thats why i am jumpimg on it] but i have a 75g all setup with 75 pounds of rock so i wanted more. i transport in a 33 gal tote, so i was going to clean it in that and let it sit for a couple of days in another tote. but i do not wish to add if it will cause a problom with the...