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  1. iloveels

    90 gallon

  2. iloveels

    can you collect your own fish/corals

    I love collecting syringes,shoes, plastic bags and condoms off the jersey laws against that in nj
  3. iloveels


    For the past 10 months I have been watching my levels very closely.... surprisingly all my levels were 0. At first I thought it was a problem with my test kit but I had taken a water sample to the lfs several time throughout the year and again were all 0. I do practice good husbandry with...
  4. iloveels


    I have 2 404 fluvals and hang protein skimmer...actually i do plan on getting rid of the naso and yellow tang and giving it to my bro who has 220 with only a emperor angel sometime at the end of the week... with the tang and naso gone would i still be okay??
  5. iloveels


    Do you think I'm overstocked? 90 gallon with 75 pounds live rock yellow tang naso tang snowflake eel percula clown X2 tomato clown damsel x2 foxface Orbicular Cardinal valentini pufffer lawnmower bleeny convict blenny
  6. iloveels

    Finally just successfully handfed my SFE

    alright congrats!!!!
  7. iloveels

    an eel question

    are you serious??? no snowflake in a 55?? simply ridiculous...all depends on the size
  8. iloveels

    Pics of My 95g

  9. iloveels

    Dumbest thing you dropped in your tank?

    I dropped my baby