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  1. zoboo2

    Help with planning

    Thanks for the help! Our LFS is great but sometimes I don't think they really know everything. They still tell people you can keep more than one dwarf angel or more than one large angel together. Which is wrong, right?
  2. zoboo2

    Help with planning

    We have had a 125g for 4 years and it has done fairly well. We have corals, anemonies clean up crew fish etc. Now we are starting another tank it will be a 210g and I want to make it a fish only tank. I have stocking questions. Here is my wish list. Please tell me if you see a fish on here that...
  3. zoboo2

    Fish ID please

    On the saltwaterfish home screen, what kind of angel is to the left of the sailfin tang on the top banner of the page? Thanks for any help!
  4. zoboo2

    new clams

    Your clams are awesome!!! Are your other 2 clams the same kind? I only have one but I love it!
  5. zoboo2

    Rare fish pics

    SCOOT that is a cool pic. What is the fish in the top of the pic? I can't see it but it looks pretty cool!! I can post some pics of my wrasses tomorrow. Not rare but really cool looking!
  6. zoboo2

    Help with new tank

  7. zoboo2

    Help with new tank

    Another tang I really like is the Achilles. Any opinions on this fish instead of the sohal or with the other fish I mentioned?
  8. zoboo2

    Help with new tank

    We will be setting up a 220 fish only sometime in the next year or so. We currently have a 125 reef with a couple of tangs and your usual fish. Here is my wish list for the 220. I know all these fish will not fit so can you tell me which ones would DEFINATLY NOT work with some of the others...
  9. zoboo2

    zoo question

    How do zoos spread? I have noticed in the past week my green zoos have extnded their stalks and aren't as compact as before, then today we notice two small stalks on the sand on the other side of the tank. Is the coral sick or is this how it spreads? all other corals and fish in the tank look...
  10. zoboo2

    Moorish Idol... Getting one.

    Ok so for those of you that ARE keeping one let's see a pic all ready, or are you just telling "fish stories"?
  11. zoboo2

    Clown fish and BTA

    Thank you that is a relief to hear!
  12. zoboo2

    Unusual fish/corals?

    Love the pics guys! The green bird wrasse is one of my favs. I hope to have one in my 220 FO some day! Anyone else have a fish or coral that we don't see pics of very often on here? I saw a jacknife fish at our LFS the other day, that was pretty neat to me.
  13. zoboo2

    Another addition?

    Bump I know people hate this question but I really do need some advice. I took my LFS advice and it was WRONG! Thank you for any help!
  14. zoboo2

    Clown fish and BTA

    I have had my BTA for about 5 months in my 125 with various corals and fish all are healthy. After about 3 months my trio of occ. clowns decided to host it and it got really big and full. BUT.... it no longer looks like a BTA, the tenticles are same color they have always been and it is eating...
  15. zoboo2


    Thank you Teresa for your post. Sometimes you feel all alone in this and it is nice to hear from people that go through similar things. I have considered foster care but I am not sure my husband would want to do it and I don't know how specific I could be about the children I wanted to foster. I...
  16. zoboo2

    Bad News

    Just wanted to add my support. My husband and I are facing the same thing except there is no possible way to afford adoption or any infertility treatments. It is so sad and at times almost unbearable but we are taking it day by day and doing the best we can. I feel your pain. I also have a...
  17. zoboo2

    Unusual fish/corals?

    Awesome VIPER!!!!!
  18. zoboo2

    Unusual fish/corals?

    Anyone have pics of their unusual fish or corals? Meaning fish we don't see too often or hard to keep corals that only the really experienced can keep alive. Let's see those pics!!
  19. zoboo2

    Another addition?

    I know so many people ask this question but....... I have a 125 gallon tank with some corals and the following fish..... Yellow tang Sailfin tang Flame angel 1 chromis bi color blenny clown goby fire fish and what the fish store called a clown fairy wrasse oh yeah and 2 occelaris clowns and one...
  20. zoboo2

    I Got A Boxing Match!!!

    I have a yellow tang that was in my tank for about a month before I added a sailfin tang of similar size, at first the yellow was a real butthead to the new guy, always chasing him and whipping his tail around at him but after about a week they were getting along great and now the yellow swims...