Search results

  1. jmpowie

    Peppermint Shrimp eating brain coral

    "They are reef safe, but they will eat decomposing organic material. It is possible your coral is dieing." No the coral are not dieing or disease. The shrimp are just eating live good corals. I moved the coral into the filter for a few weeks and the parts of the eaten corals grew back. I put...
  2. jmpowie

    Peppermint Shrimp eating brain coral

    I have 5 Peppermint Shrimp and they are eating my brain corals. I thought Peppermint Shrimp are reef safe. I tried moving the coral up higher in the tank to try to keep the shrimp off them but after a hour or so they go right back to it. I have put so much food in the tank to feed them I now...
  3. jmpowie

    lawnmower blenny feeding problem

    I have had it for about 4 weeks and I dont think its stressed it sits on rocks and comes to the glass when I walk by. its just getting real thin and I dont want it to die
  4. jmpowie

    lawnmower blenny feeding problem

    I have a blenny and is getting thin there is a ton of hair algae in my tank and I put in sheets but he does not eat any ideas?
  5. jmpowie

    Least light intensive clam

    My cleaner clams dont need much light lol
  6. jmpowie

    top heavy leather? i cant get it to stay upright

    mine died after not standing up too.
  7. jmpowie

    120g too big for house.

    I had a yellow tang in my old 75 he was fine for 2+ years untill he jumped out
  8. jmpowie


    I know you can put mushrooms in a blender but what about polyps or anything else? Maybe a chunk of toadstool? they grow from pretty small frags.
  9. jmpowie

    Snails eating cleaner shrimp? Help...

    I am wondering why after the first one why you let the 2nd get eaten?
  10. jmpowie

    Inhabitants you wish you never bought?

    chocolate chip star that dam 6.00 star ate about 40.00 worth of coral in one night. It did make a nice magnet for my frig.
  11. jmpowie

    how do you guys afford the electricity?

    I know my 75 gal tank was costing me about 100 a month because when I moved to my new house. I was moving stuff out little by little over a few months we were living in the new house and I would only stop by the old house just to load up the truck and feed the fish. So I had about 2 months...
  12. jmpowie

    how do you guys afford the electricity?

    $100 per month sounds crazy I had a 75 gal with 2- 250watt mh running 8 hours a day, pizm pro running all the time, 4 powerheads all the time, 2- 250 watt heaters, quiet one pump for the wet/ dry. The biggest thing is I live in NH and have PSNH. Now I have a 24 gal nano with a 70 watt mh and...
  13. jmpowie

    how do you guys afford the electricity?

    I had to break down my 75 reef because it was costing me over 100.00 a month in elec . How much does a 300 gal cost to run a month? Does Al Gore know about all of you and your tanks?
  14. jmpowie

    walmart distilled water

    I have a ro filter I just dont want to use it because the city water I get is so bad. So its hard to say what to do run almost straight bleach from the city through my ro or buy walmart water.
  15. jmpowie

    walmart distilled water

    Are you sure it's distilled water? that is what it says on the gal jugs. I did not know if water from China or where walmart gets it is real distilled water.
  16. jmpowie

    coral id please

    are there differents types of toadstool? the one I have has alot finer tentals than the ones pic on this website.
  17. jmpowie

    coral id please

  18. jmpowie

    walmart distilled water

    I have been using walmart distilled water for water changes but after I do I get a ton of hair alge growth. I am using coralife salt and 4-5 gal walmart distilled water in a 24 gal nano tank. I have a ro water filter but in my new house I have city water that smells like straight bleach so I...
  19. jmpowie

    coral id please

    I bought this coral last night or I got this coral for free, I bought the polyps and because the coral did not match a pic on the outside of the tank the polyps did she sold it to me for 26.00. I love people who work in petstores that dont know fish. thanks
  20. jmpowie

    this may sound dumb live rock problem

    I know I may sound crazy but I think my live rock is dissolving. I put about 60 lbs of live rock from my 75gal tank into my 24 nano. The rock was sticking out of the water. Now after a year I have 6 inchs of water before the rocks. I know the rock will settle but looking in the tank I...