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  1. rcmcg

    Fish dead.. HELP

    I have a 40 gallon tank. I had a coral beauty, yellow tang, clownfish and a lawn mower blenney. The coral beauty died and did not show any signs of disease. A few days later the blenny died. The next day the yellow tang died, and the day after that the clownfish died. I tested the water every...
  2. rcmcg

    What to do from here??

    A few months ago all of our fish died from what we beleive to be a bacterial infection. I still have five hermit crabs. Should we completely restart our tank? What should we do?
  3. rcmcg

    Help Please

    40 Gallon Tank Didn't know of sites like this when I started my aquarium. The LFS said tang and coral beauty were good starter fish, and I accepted his word. The clown died this afternoon. We have only hermit crabs left. We are leaving on vacation soon. I had someone to feed the...
  4. rcmcg

    Help Please

    Sorry Galma, I don't quite follow what you are saying. I am getting water ready for a water change. It will be at the right temp when I add it.
  5. rcmcg

    Help Please

    GM I am trying to think of everything. We always wash hands and arms before and after working in the tank. Thanks
  6. rcmcg

    Help Please

    I am warming/aerating water for a change now. Ammonia is at 0 Coral Beauty was fine when other fish were added. Did not QT lawnmower and clown. I floated them for an hour and then added water to bag over the next 4 hours until amount of water doubled. The clown is "sitting" in one spot in...
  7. rcmcg

    Help Please

    Sorry, I added the last fish almost 3 weeks ago, the lawnmower and the clown
  8. rcmcg

    Help Please

    The tank has been up since the first of the year. Nitrates 30 up a little since Friday Nitrites 0 ph 8.0
  9. rcmcg

    Help Please

    Clown needs an EMT. It is still in same spot in the tank, does not seem able to swim. I went to LFS and his only guess is a bacterial infection and recommended we treat with tetracycline, which the fish must eat. It won't. I am tempted to do a fresh water dip, on the off chance it is...
  10. rcmcg

    Help Please

    Last week I wrote saying my coral beauty had died with all tank peramaters (nitrates, nitrites, ph, ammonia) stable and normal. Salinity was a little high 1.025 I think. Today Salinity is at 1.024. Saturday morning the lawnmower blennie had died and this morning the yellow tang has died. The...
  11. rcmcg

    Need Help Finding Cause of Death

    Thanks, that is something that I had not thought of. I usually top off a half a gallon at a time.
  12. rcmcg

    Need Help Finding Cause of Death

    I just have the cheap hygrometer that the lfs sold me... I am leaving on vacation next week and want to make sure that everything is in best shape possible before I go. Thanks!
  13. rcmcg

    Need Help Finding Cause of Death

    I just found my coral beauty dead...really sad, it was such a beautiful one. I have checked nitrates, nitrites, ph, and ammonia. All are in normal range, and what they have been for weeks now. Salinity is high, 1.025, the water level has gotten lower than I generally keep it. Would that...
  14. rcmcg

    Clown Swimming Habits

    Last night I purchaced and added a percala clown to my tank. At the lfs, the fish was an avid swimmer moving horizontally across the tank. In my tank, he is swimming vertically mostly in one corner of the tank. He seems happy otherwise and no one is picking on him. How do your clowns swim...
  15. rcmcg

    Black/Purple Gel on Rocks

    Thanks Drew! That is a great post, I am going to print it out and give it a try. It is just in patches on the rock, so maybe it won't be to tough to get rid of.
  16. rcmcg

    Black/Purple Gel on Rocks

    My FO tank has been up and running since the first of the year. The rocks have started getting some of the purple that I see in the tanks at the LFS. I am assuming that is a good sign. It kept getting darker, even looking black. All the water perameters are normal. During a water change...
  17. rcmcg

    Vacation Options?

    Lights...I had not even thought about them. I will get a timer hooked up to the lights. But, I do have a tang. Will he make it for 2 days or should I get the auto feeder? He prefers frozen shrimp, but will eat pellets, he is always hungry!
  18. rcmcg

    Vacation Options?

    Thanks Alyssa and Rusting. I didn't think about the grazing in the tank. I won't worry about them now.
  19. rcmcg

    Vacation Options?

    I am going on a long weekend trip. I have a fish only tank. Will they be ok with no food for two and a half days? What are good options for longer trips? There is no one close by that could come and feed them every day. Thanks for your help!
  20. rcmcg

    Pale Yellow Tang

    Thanks! I notice it only at lights out time, so hopefully that is it.