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  1. klaramore

    Got rock

    you are right you do not need 1 pound per gallon. If you keep the tank stock down. the more fish you put in the more rock you should put in. my tank is overstocked I have about 250 pounds of rock and 200 pounds of sand in mine. I have 1 low flow spot in my tank. I still think you need to turn...
  2. klaramore

    horseshoe crab

    if it gets stuck on its back for to long it will die. Yea I thought it would be cool to have one till it started knocking everthing over and messing my tank up. he got pinned between some rocks and died. Bill
  3. klaramore

    400w MHs over a 55g?

    No softy's or musrooms, zoo.s. you will bleech out most of your corals. I would cut it back to 250 -275 or 1 400
  4. klaramore

    RO Water Readings

    if you are test right after you mix your salt you will get false readings. It take 24 hrs for the water cemistry to calm down.
  5. klaramore

    Please Help with Hair Algae

    cut the light to 8 hrs
  6. klaramore

    Clam Mantle recession, please help!

    clams do not like direct water flow. they like water flow to bring food to them but not blasting at them medium flow over them. Are you putting in food for them. Are you dumping your new water , reef buffer, caluim buffer ect over it. Pick it up to see if it has brisle worms under it. The worms...
  7. klaramore

    umbrella leather?

    some times they will shed there skin. but it will open.
  8. klaramore

    what is your reef tank temp?

    77.7 -79 I run 2 fans one on the wall even with the water surface and another on the floor tilted up to hit the bottom of the MH lights. Helps with PH also. Bill
  9. klaramore

    lowering nitrate

    Leave ths sponge in the bottom but add carbon with it. in the middle have the purigen in both sides if it is a 3 stage 6 chamber canister. I also have Phosguard in the middle chamber 2 bags over the purigen. and then the ceramic on top. Make sure you do rinse them every time you change the...
  10. klaramore

    Got rock

    You need to turn your middle light long ways. You should have at least 1 pound per gal. Bill
  11. klaramore

    Is this a good set up?

    forgot what fish you were asking about the diamond goby will move so much sand the it will upset your rock. Or they dump the sand on top of the rocks. I tried one and it was back at the LFS with in an hour.
  12. klaramore

    Is this a good set up?

    Some people like the UV but I do not. I was going to get one for ick But I was told it is not proved it will kill it. I do not like UV because it kill the good with the bad. The prizim is a bad idea. Been there done that. My sea clone did circles around the prizim. If you can get a remora c or...
  13. klaramore

    water parameter question

    You need to put your power head up top to move the water at the surface. i have 3 power heads moving the surface. I think you are supose to move your water 10 times an hour. I am not 100% sure. This is a very info. thread. Bill
  14. klaramore

    pics of my 55 i just set back up

    looks good
  15. klaramore

    Should I have my protein skimmer on while cycling?

    You can run a tank with out a skimmer but it will make you maintance easier with one.
  16. klaramore

    Fish list

    If he is the last go ahead. The sohol was my most favorite fish. I was just going a different way with my tank that is why I had to get ride of him.
  17. klaramore

    Fire Shrimp Question

    I have had my 2 for over 2 years now. The fish even stage for the shrimp to clean them. I do hand feed both of them once a week. silversides.
  18. klaramore

    If U Can Have 1 Fish!

    Crosshatch Trigger to much $ for me and they are jumpers
  19. klaramore

    15 day guarantee

    Yea I sent all my fish back (over 300 worth) And i still have nothing to shpw for my 300.00. The trick is you have to buy another 79.00 worth of something before you get your replacement fish. This is how I ended up spending 300.00+ and still all the fish died. and if your replacement fish dies...
  20. klaramore

    Fish list

    I had a sohol tang and I had to get ride of it to. Way to mean. It would pick snails of the glass. It would even pick at leathers and other corals. It was the boss of the tank. I really did not want to get ride of him but after he killed 2 new tangs he had to go. He did do well with another tang...