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  1. riptide326

    Tank Thinkin ........

    yea good call!!
  2. riptide326

    Tank Thinkin ........

    If i were to use my 55g for a sump how would i go about setting it up?? This is the sump i was looking at Good/ Bad?? Heres the tank.. Also i would like to know what skimmers you use...
  3. riptide326

    Tank Thinkin ........

    Hey thanks for the replies... I have enough room to hold a a 6ft'r plently of room to be honest and i saw a 135g which is pretty sweet and I don't think i wanna pay for a 180g soo... the parameters on it are 72 x 18 x 25. I will probably use a wet/dry ... At my LFS they have a nice wet/dry set...
  4. riptide326

    Tank Thinkin ........

    Hey everyone I was recently at my LFS when i ventured in to the tank area. I already have a 55/30g tank up and running and I was checking out a 90 gallon or a 125gallon because 55 doesn't really satisfy my addiction. I am pretty sure that my filter on the 55 wouldn't hold up with these sizes soo...
  5. riptide326

    Lions & Eels

    Alright sounds good thanks man
  6. riptide326


    Hi, I have a 48" PC light w/ (2) 12000k i'm assuming full spectrum bulbs and (2) blue atinic bulbs that generate 260watts on my 55gallon tank (4.7watt/gal). What i am wondering is if i get another PC same exact kind as the one i got which will boost up my watts to 520, will that be too much for...
  7. riptide326

    Lions & Eels

    I do have a 40g tank that i can designate to them but it needs to mature some
  8. riptide326

    Lions & Eels

    HEy psusocr1 or anyone, I have another fish i have been wondering about and that is the angler fish ..... whats there deal & are any species suitable for my tank or any tank??? I have read a little on them and i think the female is the one that carries the antenna but not all species it looks...
  9. riptide326

    Lions & Eels

    Hey thanks... great info... that helps me out alot... i will wait until my tank cycles before i try a dwarf or a snowflake. I have been testing my tank every other day.. doin the basics and today my NH3 .50 soo it might turn over some time soon! The reason why i have my maroon is a long story...
  10. riptide326

    Lions & Eels

    Hi, I'm looking into getting a lion fish and possibly a snowflake eel or some other species of eel that would do well in my tank. I just have some questions about the whole situation because i wanna know what i am gonna be getting myself into.. I have a 55g tank that has been running for little...
  11. riptide326


    Sadly the guys a ball now and in my quarintine tank probably a goner by the morning.... Well this was a learning experience for me on what not to do! It's gonna be a long time before i try that again I will stick to hardy fish in the mean time.!! Thanks for all your help again Thomas!!
  12. riptide326


    :help: Now it looks like smoke is coming from the tentacles??? should i get him outta there?? i have a 30 gallon that i use for a quarintine should i put it in there??
  13. riptide326


    I'm idiot I did the beginniers mistake of introducing too soon!! soo should i chill for a while and see what happens?? And how will i know it's a goner.... just from the smell??
  14. riptide326


    I got the anemone on Sunday 1-22. I have a PC 260 watt My tank 55g has been going for about 3 months now My parameters are good NH3 is O Nitrites O Nitrate O I don't have the alkalinity or calcium tests I just did a 10% water change on Monday temp 80.3 pH 8.2 Salinity 1.025 and i just added...
  15. riptide326


    :help: Alright i just checked the LTA and now its spitting out a chain i guess of that brown stuff and it looks like it's layered in mucus! I think my guy is gonna become bleached soon!! Any thoughts on what to do would help greatly at this point!
  16. riptide326


    The column has white bumps in rows but more to the top. Now the column it self still has a off white possibly light brown color to it. The Pedal disc is orangish/redish and that color also flows north a bit. My termanology is off but around the mouth that whole face has a definite browish...
  17. riptide326


    Hey, I just noticed yesturday that my domino damsel was flirting with my LTA. I am wondering if he will host it?? I also have a maroon clown in there that I am still waiting to see if he will accept the anemone or not. I haven't identified my anemone yet but here are the charateristics: Purple...