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  1. jcazz10

    Getting out....Ohio

    I am interested in rock and sand for sure, email, we can exchange phone#'s and go from there!! Jerry
  2. jcazz10

    Getting out....Ohio

    what city are you in, I am in Malvern, what do you have left?? Jerry
  3. jcazz10


    Thank You So Much!!!!!!
  4. jcazz10


    i heard we should give lettuce once in a while???? ne1 ever heard of that???
  5. jcazz10


    flake food in the am and brine in the p.m
  6. jcazz10

    Tang broke...i guess it looks more like losing her color a little in that area
  7. jcazz10


    our blue tank keeps getting white spots on her nose...what is it...all is well with the she lacking someting in her diet??? Jerry
  8. jcazz10

    Male/Female false percs

    Thanks for the info!!!
  9. jcazz10

    Male/Female false percs

    We have 2...and today...the larger one became a little aggressive, and really protecting 1 corner of the tank....never had this problem until today...larger one keeps "bumping"into the side of the smaller one...any ideas???
  10. jcazz10

    Male/Female false percs

    How can you tell the difference between male and female "NEMOS?????
  11. jcazz10

    Hair Alge

    How can I get rid of HAIR ALGAE...HEEELLLLLLLLLLLPPPP :help:
  12. jcazz10

    live rock

    ty very much!!!!
  13. jcazz10

    live rock

    yeeeeeeeeep...thats it!!!!
  14. jcazz10

    live rock

    ro wife cleaned some of it...said it was slimy when she removed it...i noticed some like..white "roots" tonight..what should i do???
  15. jcazz10

    live rock

    we are having a green "moss" growing on our this a good or bad thing??? PLEASE HELP
  16. jcazz10


    Thank you so much Moby!!!!
  17. jcazz10


  18. jcazz10

    What size power heads to use???

    Originally Posted by Hawkmoon Does your recommendation of 10 times go for a 24g tank as well? My filter does 200gph but creates little water movement in the bottom half of the tank (it's the type that hangs of the back of the tank). I have had the tank for 2 years with 4 small fish and live...
  19. jcazz10


    SAD DAY!!! Had my "NEMO" come up missing 2 days ago, found him today, he went to the other side Did my weekly water checks; PH-8.2/Ammonia-0/Nitrite-0/Nitrate-20 Could he have caused this, and how do I lower my nitrates back to zero? Everything has been good...tank about 8 months old? Jerry
  20. jcazz10

    fish help! ... frustrated

    Originally Posted by fishguy83 thanks everyone for all the help, advice, and support... I really am just trying to do this the right way... phishface, ever heard of elmer's aquarium?? I think pittsburgh, unless my LFS works out better from now one might be an option.. I am fairly new to this...