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  1. rustysdad

    Please take note:

    Originally Posted by ophiura There was not one picture. There was not one thread. And people may still be going. And if you feel there was some injustice...then by all means report a post and let us know who should also be removed like yourself. I am all for applying the ban evenly. You are...
  2. rustysdad

    Please take note:

    The picture you want to keep refering to was not posted by me but another user who is back and still posting. AS well as every other person that was in that thread that night but yet they haven't been banned and none of them have appolagized for their action as of this date .
  3. rustysdad

    Please take note:

    As far as how to deal with people that break the rules . There needs to be a set way to deal with this. When you register theres a box that you can check or uncheck that allows moderators to contact you via E-mail . This is option is never used by them . It's my OPINION that first time you...
  4. rustysdad

    Please take note:

    I personaly would like to see the aquarium open, it allows people to find comon bonds . It's very hard to conect and empithize with a user name and an avatar . but when you get in to small talk you start to find people that you can identify with. But I also agree that it just invites trouble ...
  5. rustysdad

    Please help identify juv. grouper

    Miniatus is my guess too