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  1. deegrimes


    Can anyone tell me if there any fish families that aren't safe with mushrooms? Wanting to add some mushrooms but would like to know what fish I could keep in the tank with them that aren't going to eat them. Would a copperband butterfly be ok?
  2. deegrimes

    Rock Beauty

    Well my poor little star lost the battle last night. At least he never died being beaten up I guess eh
  3. deegrimes

    Could someone tell me what this is

    I have attached a picture to see if anyone could tell me what these long green stuff is growing on my lr. It is actually really nice the pic doesn't show it but it has other colors to would appreciate if someone could tell me. I had them before in my tank but never asked about them
  4. deegrimes

    Starting Over

    So you can actually scrub you lr with a tootbrush. I was never sure if you could I thought it would kill any of the creatures in it.
  5. deegrimes

    Starting Over

    I lost my tank not long ago to a case of brook. I also had a fair bit of algae in my tank as well. When I started my tank over I put my live rock and stars, crabs, conchs and snails into a tank I had here and took out 90 percent of my water (I also switched from cc to sand) then refilled the...
  6. deegrimes

    Can I put Anemones and Mushrooms in my tank

    I am so glad I found this site!!! I have gotten so much info from all of you. So then what we will do is do some mushrooms but no anenomes until we have better lighting. Then we will decide what we are going to do from there. I hate getting bad info from lfs. It really pisses me off
  7. deegrimes

    Can I put Anemones and Mushrooms in my tank

    so basically what I am getting from this is that I should be running different lighting on my tank for the mushrooms and anenomes. So can I just change to a higher output bulb in my t5s? Or do I have to go with a whole new system?
  8. deegrimes

    Can I put Anemones and Mushrooms in my tank

    We have been running our tank for over 10 years but had a bout with brook last month so our tank is running with just the snails crabs and starfish in it as well as the shrimp. We have a 75 gallon tank the lighting we are running now is the t5s 54w each 2 white bulbs and 2 blue. Not sure on...
  9. deegrimes

    Can I put Anemones and Mushrooms in my tank

    We would like to start putting Anemones and Mushrooms in our tank. We changed out lighting a few months back to the t5s which when purchased we were told that we could pretty much have any corals or Anemones etc in our tank. Just wondering if this is in fact true
  10. deegrimes

    Rock Beauty

    Well the starfish is still alive he looks like he has healed up where he was missing his leg the other legs though are still pretty beat up. He is very slow moving when he moves around. I know starfish are slow moving anyway but for a starfish he is very slow moving. He seems to move around...
  11. deegrimes

    Cleaner shrimp

    I do have 2 cleaner shrimp and 2 fire red shrimp. Also tons of live rock one that is covered in feather dusters I love it. Crabs, snails and 2 strawberry conches I fighting. I also have 3 blue linka starfish. I will be adding my fish back in in a few weeks had a brook catasrophe. I really...
  12. deegrimes

    Need some info on fish compatibility

    thanks for your input. Unleashed thanks for letting me know about the raccoon butterfly I know my hubby does want to add reef stuff later on. I will wait on the copperband as well my tank has been up and running for 10+ years actually but I am basically starting all over now so I will wait...
  13. deegrimes

    Need some info on fish compatibility

    Hi everyone. I am trying to decide what fish to add to my tank. Not doing this right away as I am running my tank right now fish free as I had a brook breakout in my tank and I am waiting until mid april to start adding fish again. I obviously am not adding these all at once but this is what...
  14. deegrimes

    Rock Beauty

    Thanks for your help I really appreciate it. I know it probably sounds stupid for me to be so concerned about 1 little starfish but that is me. This is the lady that has 4 rescued dogs and 4 cats (only 3 are rescues though) and a horse but that was not a rescue either. I also had a blue regal...
  15. deegrimes

    Rock Beauty

    yes I did acclimatize him slowly. He spends most of his time attached to the bottom of a piece of the live rock in my tank. This morning when the lights were out in the tank still I could see him in the front of the tank moving around on the sand. He is very pale compared to my other 2 who...
  16. deegrimes

    Rock Beauty

    It is a blue linka star. I feel so bad for him. I have 2 blue linka stars already and they are doing marvelous in my tank. I have had them for a few years now. He looks pretty rough. I don't think he should have been in the tank with the rock beauty do you know if this is common for rock...
  17. deegrimes

    Rock Beauty

    My lfs got in a Rock Beauty and I have been keeping my eye on it for a few weeks now. I really love it and was thinking of buying it. I noticed a few days ago that it was really picking at the snails and crabs. Then when I went in the store yesterday it was attacked a starfish like literally...
  18. deegrimes

    I need some help guys and gals

    just thought I would let you know that I have done a 25%water change and I bought an aqua clear hob filter and cut my lights back. As you can see I took all your suggestions. It is already making a difference in the algae. I am sooooo happy . Thanks so much for your help.
  19. deegrimes

    is this a good test kit?

    that is the test kit I use, I also know a few others that use it. Seems to give me accurate results. Not sure what other people on here use but I bought it because it was a new test kit my lfs recommended
  20. deegrimes

    I need some help guys and gals

    Thanks Susieq!! That makes sense. Can you recall how much water and how often you did a change to get it corrected. So I only need to scrub 10 times a day for about a month I will build up muscles anyway