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  1. ctkecth


    Shipping Live stuff is really not an option. I have homes for shrimp locally already. The light is really nice - though it needs new bulbs as they are surely spent. It was purchased impulsively and dwarffed my 55 - frying everything thus leading me to spend more money on a 90 which sat vacant...
  2. ctkecth


    I really don't want to ship- least of all the aquarums. I'll give it to you. It needs some scraping and cleaning that I wasn't willing to do after I broke it down and moved into the 90. It is about two years old.
  3. ctkecth


    I am finished with my tank. I recently purchased an old house and have committed to making it a better place to live. This takes money and time- two things one needs in order to have a successful aquarium. I enjoyed it while I had it, but it isn't fair to its inhabitants to spend very little...
  4. ctkecth

    Flatworm exit

    I have flatworms in the tank that I am shutting down- I have not moved my remaining rock out as I was moving it piecemeal into my 90. I noticed the outbreak and have not moved anymore. Pretty sure it came in with some rock a friend of mine gave me. In any case I have a few corals(Hairy...
  5. ctkecth

    Yellow Tang in a 55 gallon tank?

    I don't know a ton about fish, but I am learning, and as I move into my 90 I look to these boards as a help. I also look at this site and the fish they offer. I look at other sites and what they offer. It bothers me that lists many tangs as 90 gallon minimum tank size. I put this in a...
  6. ctkecth

    Which Tang

    Funny, this website has all kinds of Tangs for sale most listing the 90 as the minimum tank size. Why would they do that if a 90 was too small? Sure, to sell fish, but this seems like a fairly reputable site with experienced folks posting who care about fish
  7. ctkecth

    Which Tang

    My 90 is just about ready for Fish! After a year of second guessing and finding other projects to tackle I am ready for new stuff! What are your favorite Tangs? I want another one and wonder what are your favorites. I had a beautiful Yellow that was healthy, eating and fun to watch- one day...
  8. ctkecth

    cloudy water

    Of course not. You see I figure I want to get the tank just right so I spend forever geting the tank ready to receive water and then when I do, I can't wait to get the sand in. So I rush the most basic of processes in the efforts to get the tank that much further along- all for the end result- I...
  9. ctkecth

    cloudy water

    It was dry and I spent a good twenty minutes with each 20 lb bag.
  10. ctkecth

    cloudy water

    Just put sand in my tank after rinsing for what I considered a great deal of time. The water obviously clouded up. I was not running any of my equipment as it settled. I turned things on today and of course the tank exploded into a haze of sentiment. I utilized crushed coral and a bio-wheel...
  11. ctkecth


    Thanks. The way I have been operating this entire process, I have only one speed and that is S-L-O-W.
  12. ctkecth


    After months of finding the time to put my new 90 together I am ready to go. Second guessing slowed the process down immensely- so in the spirit of second guessing - my question. Does it make a difference if the salt is mixed into the water that is currently in my tank. Friend of mine told me...
  13. ctkecth

    Plans for my 55 gallon reef tank! Ideas!!!

    Had a beautiful and healthy yellow for three years. He passed this summer, not sure why. I spent much time with new border collies (dogs) so tank was a bit on the back burner- could be reason.
  14. ctkecth

    Flat Worm Question

    Just trying to get this back to the head of the line. See above post. My question remains as does the rock!
  15. ctkecth

    Flat Worm Question

    A week ago I posted on this site that I had the opportunity to pick up some beautiful rock for free. The catch was that it housed flatworms. I have read that flatworms eat a specific diet. If I put this rock with the flatworms in a new tank that needs to cycle, will they still be a problem?
  16. ctkecth

    Turboflotor T1000 Skimmer issue

    Thanks for the help. i spoke with Aquamedic today and they told me that I need to use a small power head since I am not running a line directly from my tank. He said that the pump's (OR2500) function is to circulate water and create the bubbles needed for skimming, that I need more gph water...
  17. ctkecth

    Turboflotor T1000 Skimmer issue

    :notsure: I spent last night just fiddling with the skimmer trying to come to some conclusion. I will try to do this with words as the option of taking a picture is not an option. So: There is the water intake outside of the skimmer body. This leads to the Or2500 pump, then it returns to the...
  18. ctkecth

    Turboflotor T1000 Skimmer issue

    I have run it in the sump, not connected to the skimmer itself and it works just fine.
  19. ctkecth

    Free Live Rock

    Hey Tuff, Why don't you take more pictures of your demented anenome. Leave me alone. :joy: :joy: :joy:
  20. ctkecth

    Turboflotor T1000 Skimmer issue

    Yes the pump is completely submerged. Do you think it has anything to do with the level of water in this section of my sump? I have a plexi-glass divider with an overflow cut at almost the top. My tank is reef ready and I have the tank emptying into the sump directly. Do I have to have the tank...