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  1. rzande1

    Woohoo I beat my bad algae problem

    I had purple, green, brown, and like a black.
  2. rzande1

    Woohoo I beat my bad algae problem

    I beat it. Jumps up and down* I kept the light off for three weeks and it is almost all gone. Take that algae. Unfortunately as it does it is creating waste that is fully converted to nitrates. So woohoo more water changes. I think the die off is almost done because when it was a major die off...
  3. rzande1

    Crazy Girlfriend need help

    Hi. Thanks everyone for your help. I really appreciate your help. She has cooled down a bit now but we will see. Anyway someone asked what I did. I work in operations supporting index based portfolio managers. I am setting myself up to become one of them which is well quite rewarding. I am...
  4. rzande1

    Crazy Girlfriend need help

    I would see her more but she always works on the weekends so I cant come see her. I cant come see her on weekdays because I work alot.
  5. rzande1

    Crazy Girlfriend need help

    24. I am in a position at my company that will move me up alot. I am working on this certification so it will give me even more legitimacy in my area not to mention better pay too. We literally live an hour away. I see her probably once a month and sometimes two. it is tough because she works...
  6. rzande1

    Crazy Girlfriend need help

    Oh yea that she has problems and needs someone that is by her and not a little far away. (I am only an hour away from her)
  7. rzande1

    Crazy Girlfriend need help

    Hey. So I know I normally talk here about my screwed up fishtank but now i have another issue and I really need advise because I dont know what to do. My gf has been with me for 5 years now. IN the beginning we used to fight alot and break up alot but then something just changed and we stayed...
  8. rzande1

    Tank settling down

    Ok I will try the ph method. My alk is already high too (4.25). I will start adding buffer and bring it up to 8.6 and see what we can do. I will also turndown daytime in the tank so it is running at night with moonlights but will just take natural light during the day. I will go ahead and try...
  9. rzande1

    Tank settling down

    This is what I have in the tank right now. 1 Coral Banded shrimp (doesnt touch the algae but rather leftover food so I bet this why he lived while my two fire shrimp and two cleaner shrimp died which touched it) 2 False clownfish which are happy as can be 2 Narcillis snails (started with 12 and...
  10. rzande1

    Tank settling down

    The lfs told me a good idea is to sift through the sand with something once a week and stir it up a bit to keep it well oxygenated to avoid this. My last tank built up huge amounts of black stuff in the sand and I had to do like a 200 percent water change and huge stirup to fix it. How do I fix...
  11. rzande1

    Tank settling down

    Well I did lift my rocks before and the area below the sand was all black. What is the black stuff?
  12. rzande1

    Tank settling down

    I dont know if this makes a difference but there used to be sporatic patches of red and black algae before I put in the hydor two days ago. Now it is going away alot.
  13. rzande1

    Tank settling down

    Nope. No spots in it at all. Just the little algae that grows ontop which i scoop off. Other than that it looks healthy. I have the sump return basically blowing at sand and mid level. The eheims take care of the top and the hydor does mid to top. Everything is constantly moving.
  14. rzande1

    Tank settling down

    The tank has been up since apr 21, 2008. I put prime in every time I add water simply to clean out anything that the RO didnt get. But yea that kinda sounds what is going on. The snails go along find on the sand but when they fall I put them on the rock which is covered by the algae and they...
  15. rzande1

    Tank settling down

    So....What am I supossed to do with this tank? Just let it sit more or what? Give it another 6 months? lol
  16. rzande1

    Tank settling down

    Originally I thought the tank was already cycled. That is why I added livestock. Well....turns out the lfs guy didnt know what he was doing and we added it in. The numbers told me one thing and they agreed saying I was doing everything right. Yea had two people telling me that there. Otherwise I...
  17. rzande1

    Tank settling down

    Well my tanks has been sitting and cycling. I have lost all of my snails except for two narcillis snails. (stupid things kept causing ammonia spikes - one dies and causes spike and that spike causes the next to die and so on). My yellow tang died and my last lawnmower benny disappeared somewhere...
  18. rzande1

    May need a chiller

    We are finally getting hot weather and my parents have an obcession with opening the windows. This presents a problem for my tank since it is starting to rise in temp. It moved up a degree and it is only 11 right now. I shutoff my lights to compensate and I am going to lower my temps on my...
  19. rzande1

    Yellow Tang ILL?

    I think the tang is ill now. It is just sitting up against the glass and sand. It is breathing fast and not moving. I think it has a limited time now. I wouldnt have added fish into the tank yet if I knew that the tank wasnt ready. I had my test kits telling me it was and the lfs guy I always...
  20. rzande1

    Yellow Tang ILL?

    Ammonia .25 Nitrite .25 Nitrate 20-30 PH 8.1 ALK 5 sal 1.027-1.028 temp 80 been up a little over a month 72 gallon bowfront with sump, canister, eheim wet dry pro 2 and octapus skimmer I have two false clowns in the tank with him. Three snails are in there, a fire shrimp, and a coral banded...