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  1. danrod911

    Whats on my Glass

    Hey...i Actually Have The Same Question......mine Are Tiny White Ones And They It Safe?????for The Tank
  2. danrod911

    New Fish Question??????

    do you think if i return the fish i will get my money back or exchange it for another one????????
  3. danrod911

    New Fish Question??????

    Hey Guys This afternoon.... i went an got a percula clown from *****...and when i got home and he was in my tank i noticed that he had white stuff by one of its fins..... is it ick????? what should i do???? thanks.....
  4. danrod911

    can I add fish?

    yea....take your water to your lfs and see what they say because if you still have nitrite that means that there still some ammonia.
  5. danrod911

    What's A Good Starter Coral???????

    Hi Guys I Recently Bought Metal Halides And Want To Know What's A Good Starter Coral. Dont Know A Lot About Corals........what Do They Eat??? Thanks For The Help??
  6. danrod911

    Speedy Demsels!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks For All The Help Guys...............i Will Try To Remove The Lr.......thanks Again!!
  7. danrod911

    Speedy Demsels!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi.. My Tank Has 3 Demsels In It And I Am Trying To Get Them Out Because They Are Very Aggresive. My Tank Finished Its Cycle A Month Ago And Just Bought A Yellow Tang. Eventhogh The Tang Its Bigger, The Demsels Wont Quit Picking On Te Tang...... I Been Trying To Get Them Out But They Are Just...
  8. danrod911

    !!!!How Much Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I Have Marine Lab
  9. danrod911

    !!!!How Much Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes...unless i am testing wrong but, i follow the intruction. when i first look at it its a zero but it say that you have to wait 15 min for the color to fully develop and thats when its saying it is .25 p.p.m.
  10. danrod911

    !!!!How Much Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi guys... i am getting a little anxious..... my info.... 56 gallon tank 45 lb of lr live sand 3 demsels about 10 hermits 1 shrimp 1 snail My story.. well i bought my tank because like everyone else saltwater is more colors and more interesting then freshwater.......i have a freshwater at the...
  11. danrod911

    !!!!!!!!!!!Need Some Corals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i kind of want some specific names of corals that i can keep in my there any corals that are pretty easy to keep.........maybe ones that are not delicate.??????do you think i shoud get rid off my demsels???
  12. danrod911

    !!!!!!!!!!!Need Some Corals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi everyone.... i am really happy because i just got my new lights and need some help picking out some corals...... i have 1x175W HQI, 2x65W CF, and 4xbluemoon LED 56 gallon tank 45 lb of life rock 3 demsels 1 snail 10 hermits i want my tank to look like the ones u guys tank its only...
  13. danrod911

    Tank Cycling!!!!!!!!!!!

    when you guys buy RO water, do you buy a lot and store it some place in your house OR just buy what you need????????
  14. danrod911

    Tank Cycling!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi Guys I am getting a little tire with my tank. I want to start putting different fish but cant because i think my tank has not cycled. my tank has been up and running for about two months now and im still getting some ammonia in my readings. I dont know what to do> i have to wait some...
  15. danrod911

    Rate my tank (Video!)

    Hey Very Nice Looks Very Colorful......i Just Started To Set Up My Tank Not Too Long Ago...........and I Have A Question For You. I Was Watching The Video And Saw That Your Lights Were Hanging Not From The Ceiling But From A Light Stand?????????or Something Well I Am Having...
  16. danrod911

    First Time Testing Water!!!!!help!!!

    i dont thnik it can see in the first post......those are test results from about an hour often do you think i should change water and how much water.
  17. danrod911

    First Time Testing Water!!!!!help!!!

    how often should i change the water???? i did a 20 percent water change for the first month, is that ok???
  18. danrod911

    First Time Testing Water!!!!!help!!!

    Hi guys. i have a 56 gallon tank that is 6 weeks old. a few days later after buying the tank i got three demsels. they are still alive. about 3 weeks ago i got snails because of the brown algae but two of them die few days ago. I recently got 25 pounds of live rock but 3 weeks ago i got 20 more...
  19. danrod911

    Need Help Picking Out The Right Light For Corals!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yea I Want To Know More About Catalina Lighting.....what Do You Have??? Metal Halide???? Thanks Denise Dan
  20. danrod911

    Need Help Picking Out The Right Light For Corals!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I Have A Glass Hood On Canopy