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  1. jkoz24

    Any suggestions???

    Does anyone have any suggestions on what creature may be the best at helping control green hair Algae? I have some blue leg & scarlet hermits along with some snails. Its not really a huge problem but still would to see something munching away at it. My blue hippo really isn't interested in it...
  2. jkoz24

    Cyano & Mexican Turbos

    I have a 90 gallon reef tank w/ 90-100lbs of LR and approx a 2" SB. I have 2 - MJ-1200 along with a RIO 2100 return pump. I also have a small RIO thats primarily for behind the rock flow. The cyano is on the LR & SB. LIGHTING: T5 Icecap Retro 4 x 48 x 54w FILTRATION: Running a aquaclear wet/dry...
  3. jkoz24

    Cyano & Mexican Turbos

    I was reading on this site under "Mexican Turbo Snail" it really true,does the Mexican Turbo actual feed on cyano? PLease someone LMK. Thanks,John
  4. jkoz24

    Over pop

    Originally Posted by ScubaGuy Actually it is 1" for 5 gallons. So for a 20 gallon tank they suggest two 2" fish. A lot of books suggest that if you want fish to go with a 55 gallon to start with for saltwater. Is that 1" for 5 gallons...fully grown or at the current size? I've heard that you...
  5. jkoz24

    WTB - Refugium

    Looking for a complete refugium. 24x16x10.-Micjigan
  6. jkoz24


    Thanks for all the help...John
  7. jkoz24


    bumpity,bump bump
  8. jkoz24


    I thinking of re-doing the look of my tank. Currently I have my LR centered in the tank so that there is good flow all the way around my reef. My 90 gal has about 100lbs of LR and I was wondering if it would be safe to build up my rocks against the back glass? I'm finally,after 6months, ready to...
  9. jkoz24

    HELP with Clown

    The LFS told me that its just happens and they don't know what brings it on. Also there isn't anything that I could have least thats what they told me. Now I am trying to find another true perc about the same size as the one that I still have.
  10. jkoz24

    HELP with Clown

    My female TP clownfish was doing the same thing...and got progressivly worse as the days went on. Pretty soon she was swimming backwards and in tights little circles. Everyone I talked to couldn't figure it out until she began to swim upside down. The LFS told me that it was a bad swim...
  11. jkoz24

    to much prime

    For what its worth...I was told by someone at my LFS that you really can't overdose with the Prime. Just what I was told.John
  12. jkoz24

    True Percula acting strange

    I have 2 true percs and I recently did a tank to tank swap.(due to a leaky tank) I went a week with adding 2 caps of the Prime and up to Saturday everything had been doing just fine. I noticed that my pH was reading a bit low so I did a water change Sunday morning. On Monday I checked the pH...
  13. jkoz24

    True Percula Help

    :help: I have 2 true percs and I recently did a tank to tank swap.(due to a leaky tank) I went a week with adding 2 caps of the Prime and up to Saturday everything had been doing just fine. I noticed that my pH was reading a bit low so I did a water change Sunday morning. On Monday I checked...
  14. jkoz24


    Yes...that makes a whole lotta sense. But what other option do i have. Do you think that maybe dried shrimp would work. We'll be gone for about 7 days and don't know if that'll be too long for them to go w/o food.
  15. jkoz24


    Does anyone know if a frozen shrimp autofeeder exists? I tried feeding my true percs dried pellets with no success. LMK...going on vacation soon and will need a solution.
  16. jkoz24

    LOOking for a 75gal + in Michigan

    Looking for a good used aquaruim from 75-120gal w/stand :help: . Trying to get started and would like to get a cheaper jumpstart.can anyone in MICHIGAN help me out?
  17. jkoz24

    First Set-up

    I am currently looking to start my FIRST saltwater aquarium. I'm looking for as much help/advice that I can get. I'm looking at getting a 75 to 100 gal. aquarium, but as far as filtration and heating I'm kinda at a loss because everyone I talk to has a different opinion.Also I'm only looking to...