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  1. seegert

    need glass cover

    I ended up having one made locally and it was cheaper than the price the fish store 3 hours away gave me on the phone. My new cover looks identicle to the old one before the old one got broke. They did a great job, and saved me money!
  2. seegert

    need glass cover

    I did find one at a fish store 3 hours away (I called), but a local store managed to make an identical one for me for less than the fish stores price. So it has now been replaced and I am happy! They did great! Thanks for the advice, I had forgot about the glass store.
  3. seegert

    need glass cover

    I tried elmers, they don't ship it unless I didn't understand right. It is beyond fixing. I wish I could. I am hoping to find one online.... assuming it may be cheaper that having one made?
  4. seegert

    need glass cover

    Does anyone know where I can buy a glass cover for my 54 gallon corner bow front tank? Mine broke! :help:
  5. seegert

    need glass cover

    Does anyone know where I can get a glass cover for my 54 gallon corner bow front tank? Mine broke :help:
  6. seegert

    Coral ID Please...

    I was looking at your picture and trying to compare to other pictures, I think it looks like an Open Green Brain Coral. Did you look under Corals on this site? Another name I found with a similar picture was Green Trachyphyllia Brain Coral. I am not an expert though, just some suggestions for...
  7. seegert

    Just found this in my tank?

    I just want to say thank you to all the people trying to help me, your help is greatly appreciated!
  8. seegert

    Just found this in my tank?

    Originally Posted by alyssia I have looked at the pictures you suggested, it looks most similar to the last picture listed under bristleworms/ fireworms except it is much smaller ( about 1 1/2 - 2 inches long) and I really didn't see any...
  9. seegert

    Just found this in my tank?

    Originally Posted by cajamajo From what I have read on this site you don't have to add live sand. The live rock will seed the sand. If that is correct, that would be great! Has anyone else ever heard this?
  10. seegert

    Just found this in my tank?

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX red plastic or anything that will cause the light to go red. do you remember the army flashlights that had the different colored disks in it. if you have an army surplus store around you they are fairly cheap and work the best if not I have used everything down...
  11. seegert

    Just found this in my tank?

    cool, thanks! I did find another one, different in size and color: The one I just found recently I have seen before, I just have to go back in the archives and look it up again. The first one is the one I haven't seen before in any pictures. It is weird though, I have had the tank up for around...
  12. seegert

    Just found this in my tank?

    I have been looking at hitch hikers in the archives and I have not found anything that looks exactly like the critter I have, bristle worms and fire worms are the closest but not quite exact. So I am confused. I just can't find the little bugger again so I can post a picture, I will keep trying...
  13. seegert

    Just found this in my tank?

    Does anyone have a picture of a bristle worm? It doesn't look like a mantis shrimp. Appreciate your input. Thank you. I am still trying to find the little bugger again so I can post a picture of it to find out for sure. So far, this critter is winning this round of hide and seek!
  14. seegert

    Just found this in my tank?

    I just found something in my tank that resembles a centipede. Not sure what it is. It is about an inch and a half long, sand colored with a almost turquiose looking stripe down it's back, tons of legs, scurries away real fast! Does anyone know what it is? I am going to try to find it again so I...
  15. seegert

    Another hitch hiker ID....

    I love hearing about people who get live fish as hitch hikers, but I also get sad and jealous cause I haven't been lucky enough to get a fish hitch hiker too! You are lucky!
  16. seegert

    What is the coolest hitch hiker?

    Viper_930, You have awesome hitch hikers! The best I have got so far are feather dusters.
  17. seegert

    What is the coolest hitch hiker?

    Originally Posted by trainfever Her hair wasn't blonde and she wasn't hitchhiking. It was a little gray-haired old lady who got lost from the Cherry Hill Nursing Home.
  18. seegert

    What is the coolest hitch hiker?

    Originally Posted by tscuda It was a few years back. But I'd have to say it was the blond girl I picked up on Cherry Hill.
  19. seegert

    What is the longest a hitch hiker has remained hidden in your tank?

    Originally Posted by Anonome I've got you all beat. I bought a really nice piece of live rock at LFS that I carefully hand picked because of the unusual shape---kind of oval and had a nice cave in it. Brought it home and put it in my tank, I had just set the tank up. Out popped a royal gramma...
  20. seegert

    hitch hiker

    You could try looking at the crabs they sell on this site to see if you can find it. It could be a Zebra Hermit crab, which is a good crab to have because it's a cleaner crab... eats algae and uneaten food. It is hard to tell though without a picture of yours. I guess if I where you, I would...