Search results

  1. fishwanabe

    pool salt?

    didnt think so but this guy tried to sell me on it...Thanks
  2. fishwanabe

    pool salt?

    can it be used? Thinking NO but had to ask...
  3. fishwanabe

    been away for bout a yr, boy have things changed!! Got a Q?

    Just picked up a used tank but forget how toj measure it's gallon size... is it L x W X H?? it measures 48in long, by 18 deep by 21 tall. soooo how many gallons is that? I'm not doing something right with my calculations. thanks!!! so excited about setting this thing up!!!
  4. fishwanabe

    old reptile tank

    its 365g waiting to see it thanks
  5. fishwanabe

    old reptile tank

    hello, does anyone know if it is a bad thing to use a tank for saltwater that had been used for a snake? thanks Marla
  6. fishwanabe

    To Tang or Not To TANG?

    thanks im outta here!!!
  7. fishwanabe

    To Tang or Not To TANG?

    thanks Im otta here!!!
  8. fishwanabe

    To Tang or Not To TANG?

    ok now i get it, clean up crew, but wht shold I get, is there a fish that I could get? Ive got 40.00 burnin a hole in my pocket and the lfs is open, I need to go now please help. Ive wanted a new fish for awhile now.... bumpppppp
  9. fishwanabe

    To Tang or Not To TANG?

    what is correct CUC?
  10. fishwanabe

    To Tang or Not To TANG?

    hello, I have a 55g with about 50lbs. of LS and 75lbs. of LR a hand full of red and blue legged hermits, a green emerald crab, brittle star, one sand siffing star, one horseshoe crab, 2 clowns, one diamondback gobie, fire gobie and a cleaner wrasse. I would like to get a small tang to clean up...
  11. fishwanabe

    Fish Jokes?

    anybody got one?
  12. fishwanabe

    Happy Birthday Tobin

    Thinking of you both, Happy Birthday Tobin.
  13. fishwanabe

    fungus or maybe smething else,need ID

    thanks I have to go to bed Ill keep an eye on it. thanks good night
  14. fishwanabe

    fungus or maybe smething else,need ID

    I feed every day or maybe every other day, just a tiny bit normally all gone fairly quick.
  15. fishwanabe

    fungus or maybe smething else,need ID

    I havent check #s today but normally all good (I know how the pros hate that term all good when it comes to h2o #) just 5 fish its a 55g lots of hermits this is the first real problem that hs popped up since start up in Nov. thanks for your time
  16. fishwanabe

    fungus or maybe smething else,need ID

    by nutrient do you mean food?
  17. fishwanabe

    Explain Yourself!!!

    hi all, been surfin for a year and a half and finally got my 55 reef up and running as of nov. 07, had a problem with red slime or sponge couldnt tell which so I was just checking in for info update to my thread. just spilled my wine!!! anyway everyone is asleep but me. coral keeper what type...
  18. fishwanabe

    28 Gallon Hqi Nano Cube For Sale Florida

    I guess I should have looked at your profile first, been doing this for five years guess not much can spook ya, wish i had the extra $ to buy, Im only in Englewood.