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  1. gmford1979

    shipping coral??

    awesome folks! thanks for the input. i've ordered a bunch from but i was thinking that all the coral comes in no water. i guess i'm thinking of snails. ha ha. thanks for the help!
  2. gmford1979

    shipping coral??

    hey guys, i am going to ship a buddy of mine some corals. what is the best way to ship? and i mean, in a styrofoam box, and what else? i am shipping a rather large leather mushroom. its attached to a rock, so do i need water in the bag or just wrap the rock in newspaper to help keep it wet...
  3. gmford1979

    Light and Corals

    its a 55 gallon long. can't remember the wattage. i'll look tonight.
  4. gmford1979

    Light and Corals

    i am trying to expand my coral addiction. my lighting is a Nova Extreme T5, 4 bulb. i have some LPS's, but really am wanting to get into the SPS game. do you guys think that the T5 is going to be enough lighting for maybe some Acropora or something like it??
  5. gmford1979

    ladyreefseekers 90gallon set-up

    Those are awsome looking rocks. i'm guessing you have the pick of the litter though. lol. keep posting pics please!!
  6. gmford1979

    BIG Sale Today For Members Only...

    i tried to place an order this morning around 9, but my boss walked in my office as i was going to the checkout. by the time i got back, it was over.
  7. gmford1979

    Schooling Fish

    i was thinking about the pj's. and i know that some antheias school. i wonder if the tank size matters. i just have a 55 gallon, but only 2 fish, a false perc and a tomato clown. so i want to add a few fish. all my friends love my corals, but want to know where all the fish are in the fish...
  8. gmford1979

    Schooling Fish

    i am looking to get some schooling fish. i know that the green chromis' will school, but other than that, what are some good aquarium schooling fish??
  9. gmford1979

    lighting causing algae??

    not really sure. right now all that is in there are 2 clowns and a blue damsel. the damsel was a surprise about a year ago. i went out of town and had my dad coming over to feed and clean the glass. i came home and he had taken it upon himself to add the "pretty" blue fish. ha. but...
  10. gmford1979

    I think I got swindled....

    i've been in a LFS that made their own base rock out of some sort of concrete or something. they make it look cool, but just can't imagine its good for your tank
  11. gmford1979

    BUGS! What are these?

    man those are some pretty rocks you have going in there. and a manderin dragonet would help you with your problem. i have had multiple anemones, from a HUGE carpet to a sebae, and i have always fed them just raw pieces of shrimp from the grocery store. i think some people will tell you that...
  12. gmford1979

    lighting causing algae??

    Quote: Originally Posted by novahobbies Quote: WOW!!! What a difference!! I see the algae you were talking about; that should definitely be a 10 minute job during your next WC. But seriously....that tank looks 1000 times better. Bet you're happy to actually see inside it finally, eh? Good...
  13. gmford1979

    lighting causing algae??

    sorry, the pics aren't any better, i had to use the camera on my cell phone
  14. gmford1979

    lighting causing algae??

    alright, so here are the pics after my busy work this weekend. tell me what y'all think with the before pic from above and the after !
  15. gmford1979

    lighting causing algae??

    i know, i was really surprised about the frogspawn. but it looks amazing. i meant to take a picture or two yesterday, but forgot. when i get home, i will post some pics. and i'm with you Nova, i think if i do water changes every 2 or 3 days, i'm gonna get tired of it. so i will do them once...
  16. gmford1979

    Aptasia problem? = Joe's Juice

    well i figured as good as it worked it couldn't be good, but watching them disintigrate in about 5 seconds was pretty amazing.
  17. gmford1979

    Aptasia problem? = Joe's Juice

    well thats great. i hope all my corals don't die b/c there was a lot just floating around, esp after i turned back on my powerheads.
  18. gmford1979

    Aptasia problem? = Joe's Juice

    have any of you used this stuff before? after cleaning my mess of a tank, i found tons of them, so i ordered some Joe's Juice. this stuff is amazing. you really just put it on there and they explode. i have tried all kinds of things to kill them, but this stuff really works. its really...
  19. gmford1979

    lighting causing algae??

    alright, so i had a busy weekend. i went saturday and bought 4 new light bulbs and bout 15 gallons of Ro water. went home and made saltwater. so i got up sunday, and unhooked my filter and powerheads, and cleaned the crap out of the tank. did a 15 gallon water change. i got all of the cyano...
  20. gmford1979

    lighting causing algae??

    what amount of water change do you think i should do each time? i have a 55 gal. so do like10 gallons? or 20? i am planning on saturday, getting new lights, then sunday spending my day cleaning all the algae out of the tank. so should i wait till after i put in the new lights, and remove...