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  1. bustedadam

    ***Gale's 6 month old reef***

    Originally Posted by promisetbg I looked some more today. Look at Scleronephthya spp~Flower Tree Coral - Red / Orange looks much closer. That's it!! Thanks for all of your help...still says it's difficult to keep, but I will give it my best shot. I have the right set-up and it is placed...
  2. bustedadam

    ***Gale's 6 month old reef***

    more pics...brand new ric rock I got for $30, Layla hosting the frogspawn and the brain looking pretty inflated.
  3. bustedadam

    Check out what is eating my Zoo's...

    I know that if something is already dying...they can show up and feast on something. It's just strange to me that I fresh water dipped for a period and the Zoo's looked better and when i leave them alone and watch the amphipods feast...they start looking bad again.
  4. bustedadam

    Check out what is eating my Zoo's...

    a pic of the Zoo's or a pic of them in the "act"?
  5. bustedadam

    Check out what is eating my Zoo's...

    I have been watching them for two weeks at night, and these are the only things me, I can see them eating them. they single out a zoo and in the morning it looks "sucked in" I have read plenty of things that say they are harmless, but my eyes don't lie.
  6. bustedadam

    Check out what is eating my Zoo's...

    So, my zoo's have been looking like they are getting sucked dry and these guys always appear at night and can be seen digging in. I have fresh water dipped, killing dozens...anyone else know of a better way? Anyone know exactly what these guys are? Note: not actual size...they are about the size...
  7. bustedadam

    ***Gale's 6 month old reef***

    the 3rd pic is something we are still trying to ID. Possibly a carnation or some sort of colt coral. All are doing well so far.
  8. bustedadam

    ***Gale's 6 month old reef***

    here are some more pics of the pink coral (showing the orange-ish colored base)...thanks for all of your help. It WILL get figured out someday :) Also some more pics just for fun.
  9. bustedadam

    ***Gale's 6 month old reef***

    I will take some more pictures of it this evening. The base kind of fades into an orange color. I don't disagree that it could be a carnation, it just seems....thicker, like it has two main stalks and when it opens (like in the picture) they are as red as most carnations I have seen. After doing...
  10. bustedadam

    ***Gale's 6 month old reef***

    for lighting I bought one of the orbit setups that include actinic lighting as well as MH yet... In regards to the pink coral being a carnation...I have seen several carnation's before, none of which looked like this addition, it is open during the day (not at night like...
  11. bustedadam

    ***Gale's 6 month old reef***

    any other ideas on the pink coral in the third photo?
  12. bustedadam

    ***Gale's 6 month old reef***

    thats the sun coral...pretty easy to keep. They don't need light, only big issue is making sure they get fed (small meaty portions). Mine open up whenever they sense food.
  13. bustedadam

    Trumpet coral help

    Are you able to move the trumpet coral down some in your tank and slowly raise it up (closer to the light) over time? I had to do this with my trumpet coral and now it seems to be doing great.
  14. bustedadam

    ***Gale's 6 month old reef***

  15. bustedadam

    ***Gale's 6 month old reef***

    Here are some updated pics of my 29g reef. Still a noobie but I have been having some pretty good success. Currently using: Bakpak 2r skimmer (love it..had a coralife but it was too big, now its a back-up) 2 maxijet powerheads dosing with calcium and trace elements as needed Tank inhabitants: *...
  16. bustedadam

    new coral and clams

    just curious, whats the name of the coral in your second pic? I have one also and cannot find the correct name. Some say colt coral while others say carnation (although it has none of the habits of a carnation). A
  17. bustedadam

    Need coral ID!

    any other ideas?
  18. bustedadam

    Need coral ID!

    Don't carnations feed at night? This coral blooms during the day and shrinks down at night like a typical leather. Carnations do the OPPOSITE do they not? thanks for such quick replies. I love this place.
  19. bustedadam

    Need coral ID!

    Can someone tell me what this is? It was listed as a "cauliflower nephthea" but i can find nothing else that looks like it. I am familiar with the "carnation corals" and this has similar characteristics but none of the habits. 1) it stands erect and blooms during the daytime. 2) does not...
  20. bustedadam

    Brain ID Help

    do you think the 130w orbit will be enough for this guy if he is about mid way up in the tank? where he is sitting now, none of his skin is touching the rocks and he is secure.