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  1. silentj

    Can a Mandarin Live off roe?

    well my mandarin will only eat the food that manages to get to the bottom of my tank.....I hope it will get bolder and go get the food when it is sinking...
  2. silentj

    Can a Mandarin Live off roe?

    but i mean...think i can give my fuge...a month of rest...and have him eat flying fish roe and pellets for the time??
  3. silentj

    Can a Mandarin Live off roe?

    I have a mandarin that will eat pellets/brine and mysis and fish roe.....can it live off that?? so that i can give my pods a little rest??
  4. silentj

    Mandarin eats Mysis big pods are the egg bearers...i get it....if i want a mantis...ill start a new tank...and ill keep pods alone..........for now
  5. silentj

    Mandarin eats Mysis

    ...i dont get it ive asked in other boards and they have said it would be ok....that mantis dont eat pods........why is it that you all think it wont be??
  6. silentj

    Mandarin eats Mysis

    Bump.....i need to know cuz i am placing the order for my mantis TODAY at 5:00 central
  7. silentj

    how do i get rid of this? (pic include)

    I have heard that emeralds pop the bubble algea...and even though they eat it...they never destroy it completly......ive heard that they dont really help much
  8. silentj

    Blenny or Goby

    Do you have any crabs or hermit crabs....because I had a clown goby and my hermits killed him and ate him....they are nice fish...but keep an eye on them mine didnt last 1 nite
  9. silentj

    Mandarin eats Mysis

    think i can throw in a G.Smithii mantis with the pods then?? ^_^ i have heard that they wont eat pods unless mantis is really small and hungry and pods are huge (1/4"-1/2")....what would you think? ( ( ( lots of mantis info there
  10. silentj

    Mandarin eats Mysis

    i have ......around.....30 pounds LR on my 24 not i should have fuge right?
  11. silentj

    Mandarin eats Mysis

    he is eatin garliqued mysis and some pods
  12. silentj

    Mandarin eats Mysis

    I gave some mysis to my other fish and when they hit the sand my mandarin eats them if it is eatin shrimp do i still need my fuge or can i turn it into a mantis shrimp tank ??
  13. silentj

    Mandarin Dragonnette

    yeah i am oredering pods online and culturing them .thats what im gonna feed him.... as for the rock....i think have enough
  14. silentj

    Mandarin Dragonnette

    I got a green mandarin he looks nice and healthy.........should i get him a mate?? or is it better to keep them alone??
  15. silentj

    What fish would yall get? i am gonna buy some fish for my tank....i have.....a bicolor psudocromis,bangai cardinal, green clown goby, clown fish, some hermits,snails and an emerald crab................ imma feedin them frozen brine shrimps and pellets.....think theyll be ok (.....the clown goby is ..1/2 an...
  16. silentj

    Electric scallop

    :scared: .....hope i dont mess up and kill other stuff =P.....neway thanx for the info
  17. silentj

    Electric scallop

    well..... i did reaserch on what to feed it and what not.....sides.... i got it for a pretty good price.....hehe.....IMMA definetly gonna try and keep it alive..... ^_^......any recomendations as to what and when to feed it?
  18. silentj

    Electric scallop

    well it says they lasted for 5 or 6 months......i dont really have nething that will eat it and i am gonna spot feed it phytoplankton every 2 days,,,,,,,.....i dont really mind it messin my sand...........SHOULD I REALLY RETURN IT?
  19. silentj

    Electric scallop

  20. silentj

    Electric scallop

    hi....i got an electric scallop yesterday....imma just feeding it phytoplancton and havin some pods good?? or should i go buy some white snow ....what should i do??