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  1. cmbarnes10

    cleaning the sand

    what fish or invertabrate is good at cleaning the sand? I have a 20 galllon reef tank
  2. cmbarnes10

    Almost total devestation

    that was my tak eit slow. And even if I get the impulse I am low on cash so it will be awhile before I can get another fish...
  3. cmbarnes10

    Almost total devestation

    Crabs are juts the blue legg hermits andscarlet hermits(about 10 all together) No not all the fish were from the same store. I did n ot QT before hand but now that I have a Qt I will(I didn;t have one before I jumped into this blind)...I am feeding them frozen brine and then another flake food...
  4. cmbarnes10

    Almost total devestation

    temp: 78 pH: 8.2 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite:0 Nitrate:0 I have the 65 watts of lighting, a 20 gallon tank All my corals, invertabrates are doing well as is my yellow clown goby. The only fish that ever visiby has something wrong with it was the one clownfish with the parasite and we put him in a QT asap...
  5. cmbarnes10

    Almost total devestation

    Okay so I decided to get into this hobby not realizeing how expensive and addictive it was...but I also did nto realize how har it would be to keep fish. Out of my first 4 fish, one jumped out of the tank, another just died mysteriously and the other two ended up being too mean for our tank and...
  6. cmbarnes10


    I have noticed clear and white circular things(simmilar to a barnacle) on my glass of my tank. When I looked closser they are on the rock and crab, snail and clam shells. They have like flower looking thinkgs that come out of it but if yout ouch the glass where they are the retract...any idea...
  7. cmbarnes10

    think my snails had babies helps!!!!

    How would it end up in my tank?????
  8. cmbarnes10

    think my snails had babies helps!!!!

    whats that???
  9. cmbarnes10

    think my snails had babies helps!!!!

    There is a little brown what looks like a snail baby. It is brown with a small foot and a small mouth. It does not have a shell but has about 4-5 spines. Anyone know what it could be????
  10. cmbarnes10

    yellow clown goby and aneome

    I have a twenty gallon reef tank with two clown and a yellow clown goby..can I add an aneome with the yellow clown goby???
  11. cmbarnes10

    Clown with cotton!!!

    Originally Posted by HatesSushi It sounds like the white cottonly spots are what my clown had. It turns out it was probably Lymphocyctis caused by stress. He had it the day after I got him and for about 2 weeks and is now gone. All I really had to do was make sure the water was good and fed...
  12. cmbarnes10

    Clown with cotton!!!

    Originally Posted by oceanblue1 Do not worry all U need is a cleaner Shrimp or 2 they can and will clean off all disease off all your fish with no problem and the fish love it The fish will let them at night more than eny other time. I hope that can help U. Ive had a REEF tank for about 5...
  13. cmbarnes10

    Clown with cotton!!!

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Does it look kind of like this? Yes, but there are only three spots and they are a it bigger.
  14. cmbarnes10

    Clown with cotton!!!

    I have been looking at pictures and trying to figure out what one of my clown fish got a hold of. I have two false perculas and a yellow clown goby(I had a royal gramma but it got stuck in the rockwork and died:( ) and only one clown has spots on it. At first I thought it was ich but he has...
  15. cmbarnes10

    lost a clown

    It was a false percula, I have never read anything about one jumping but you never know...I am just glad I found first I just thought he might have died in the night, my tank entered a second cycle and the water is not good right now...and i noticed the other one would not leave the...
  16. cmbarnes10

    lost a clown

    LOL I actually do have a lid on there but he jumped in the little slot where the heater is hanging!!! Now my other clown won't leave that spot, he is waiting for his buddy to come back...
  17. cmbarnes10

    lost a clown

    Well I lost a clown today. It appears it jumped to its death someime last night. I did not know that clowns were jumpers...also it jumped through the smallest area possible....
  18. cmbarnes10

    pH drop

    I have heard a lot about RO water on the forum. What is it? Where do I get it??? I would use it instead of tap...I do not drink the tap water here. I actually get water from a machine that filters it by reverse that the same water I can use for the tank??? I am new to this....
  19. cmbarnes10

    pH drop

    Just the stuff to put in the tap water to make it safe for the fish, other than that I have let nature take its course.
  20. cmbarnes10

    pH drop

    Thre is nor glass over my tank...a clear plastic piece where the light goes through. It is a 20 gallon tank and I have a filter and protien skimmer so the water seems to be moving well. The damsel is doing really well and eating good also. Tomorrow I will get the tests for Ca and alk and see if...