Search results

  1. rmiller429

    55 Setup for sale in Austin, Tx. Everything you need!

    For sale is my 55g setup with Oak stand an canopy. Included is a Catfish Lighting 48" power compact setup with 4 moonlight led's. also included is almost 120 lbs of live rock, some fiji, some miscellaneous rock, Fluval 405 Filter, Penguin 350 HOB filter and power strips and a Red Sea Prizim...
  2. rmiller429

    Quality Priced Skimmers

    Check out lifereef products....very nice stuff...I love mine Ryan
  3. rmiller429

    Took Delivery of my 210 Tank/Stand!!

    Sorry guys...been working alot...I just got my reefkeeper2 in and took a cabinet door to the cabinet maker to put a hole in it....that is my ballast near the sump...I didnt really have anywhere else to put it. I hope the humidity doesnt mess with it. I was also kind of wary of the plastic hose...
  4. rmiller429

    Took Delivery of my 210 Tank/Stand!!

    I received my delivery from Lifereef yesterday...I would have taken pictures, but I was much too busy unpacking! The sump/refugium system showed up in 4 large boxes. The packing was excellent and everything arrived in pristine shape. I must say that Jeff did an exceptional job with my system...
  5. rmiller429

    Took Delivery of my 210 Tank/Stand!!

    Sorry for the delay in posting, the canopy was out for repair and its on its way back as we speak. The sump/refugium combo will ship on tuesday, so things should start moving faster now.. Ryan
  6. rmiller429


    Lol...I think you mean "grammar"
  7. rmiller429

    Want to see the people who frequent this site..

    Here's me at work....Tactical Flight Officer on a Police helicopter. Ryan
  8. rmiller429

    Tank size

    I would say the biggest tank you have room for and can afford.....The upgrade bug bites hard.....believe me I know! Ryan
  9. rmiller429

    Austin, TX 100g + 90lb LR and 75lb LS for sale

    May be a dumb question, but where were your rock while you moved....did you keep them in water with powerhead and heater or what...also does the skimmer sit in sump, or is that an input valve to it....thanks Ryan
  10. rmiller429

    Austin, TX 100g + 90lb LR and 75lb LS for sale

    How much would you want for just the rock...Im in curious about the skimmer you have any pics? Ryan
  11. rmiller429

    Took Delivery of my 210 Tank/Stand!!

    Tboy, The system includes all of the above. Thats why I am so excited about it. I am a fanatic about research however there is not much out there about lifereef products. I promise to post some definitive reviews when I get the system all setup. The base price is 1469 I believe. It is listed in...
  12. rmiller429

    New stand & sump for my 150

    Do you have chiller issues with it being in the stand like that? Im curious because im trying to figure out a chiller setup myself. Ryan
  13. rmiller429

    Took Delivery of my 210 Tank/Stand!!

    Here is a picture of the system:
  14. rmiller429

    Took Delivery of my 210 Tank/Stand!!

    tboy, The custom system that I ordered is available from Jeff at like it because it has everything that I need. Being new to reef systems and large tanks in general, I felt that it would be prudent to have a whole sump/refugium system designed for me. Check out its...
  15. rmiller429

    Took Delivery of my 210 Tank/Stand!!

    The plan is for a reef...but some of the stock list that I like is not reef I am going to set it up as a reef and go from there. I have a 55 and a 29 that I can move some fish around in. I just have to decide what I want where. So far I have only done fowlr, so I am not sure if I...
  16. rmiller429

    Question about Lighting/Chiller

    Hey some of you may know, I am setting up my 210 reef tank. My problem is this. I am ordering a Lifereefugium II system for my tank and it is 65 inches long... It will fill up most of my stand, which is not a huge problem unless....I need a chiller....there will be no room. My...
  17. rmiller429

    Took Delivery of my 210 Tank/Stand!!

    The plan is for it to be a reef tank.....Im going with 3x250w MH with power compact actinic/flourescent Ryan
  18. rmiller429

    the new 210!

    I just bought a 210 does your temp run...are you running a a chiller? Ryan
  19. rmiller429

    Took Delivery of my 210 Tank/Stand!! pretty excited.....I started with a 29, moved up to a 55, then this'm sure I will have plenty of questions....I'm kind of dissapointed because It got damaged when they were bringing it they have to touch up the canopy a bit..I'll make sure I post plenty of...
  20. rmiller429

    Took Delivery of my 210 Tank/Stand!!

    Hey guys..I just took delivery of my 210 All-Glass tank, and DCT Woodcraft stand....I will start a Diary when I get to setting it up (Order and pay for the rest!!) Ryan