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  1. edubb777

    Hair Algae HELP!

  2. edubb777

    Pulsing Xenia Location

    I had first placed it in a mid tank, low flow spot and it didn't seem to like it there. So I moved it to a high spot with medium flow and it opened up like crazy. It seems to like lot's of light and a medium flow so far...... Let's see it how it grows over the next couple of weeks. Thanks for...
  3. edubb777

    Pulsing Xenia Location

    I just recently purchased a 3" frag of pulsing xenia. At what location in the tank should it be placed ie. hi9gh in the tank for lot's of light or lower, and should it be in a high or low current location. I have 2 250 W Metal Halides and 2 4' blue actinics on an 80 gal system.
  4. edubb777

    Hair Algae HELP!

    I use RO /DI water from the LFS and flake is only fed every other day. I also feed a wide variety of other foods including spirulina, mysis shrimp, krill & pellets. I noticed on the flake food that there was alot of phosporus therefore I reduced feeding of that. Any other suggestions? I do 15%...
  5. edubb777

    Hair Algae HELP!

    My clean up crew is in pretty good shape. My tank is an 80 gal and I have 12 hermit crabs, 2 emerald crabs, 2 sand sifting starfish, 2 sea serpent starfish, 5 tongan fighting conchs, 14 astrea turbos, a sand sifting sleeper gobie, a lawnmower blennie, and a black blennie. I also have a 5"...
  6. edubb777

    Hair Algae HELP!

    Over the last few weeks iI have noticed hair algae taking over my tank. I have installed a phosphate reactor, reduced lighting to 6 hours a day and have reduced feeding of flake food to once every two days. My MH's are brand new as are my actinics. I don't know what else to do to get rid of this...
  7. edubb777

    Black Algae Taking Over

    It sounds to me as if it is not an algae problem but cyanobacteria. If it is reddish black and has strands emanating from it it is definately cyano. I've tried alot of different methods of eliminating it but found that Chemiclean Red Slime Remover works the best.
  8. edubb777

    Cyanobacteria Relief

    Thanks Beth. Is there any other causes to the slime problem besides the ones I previously mentioned? I've read alot of threads on this board and followed those suggestions but I'm afraid they didn't work. Worse yet, this evening it looks as if it may be coming back. All of my parameters are text...
  9. edubb777

    Coral ID Please

    Thanks fishieness. It doesn't look like cyano to me either. I've had recent expereince with a major cyano outbreak and this does not resemble it in the least. I've researched alot of different algaes and can't place this one anywhere. It keeps growing and has taken about three weeks to get to...
  10. edubb777

    Coral ID Please

    Thanks for the info. If the abnormal growth is a cyano, should it be removed?
  11. edubb777

    my situation

    I doubt it's ich. I had the asme thing happen to a few of my fish and it worked itself out. I imagine that it's stress related (my opinion anyway). My Domino Damsel does the same thing everytime I do major cleaning and after a day or so it disappears. However, the discoloration doesn't appear to...
  12. edubb777

    Cyanobacteria Relief

    I recently had a serious outbreak of cyano and tried everything to get rid of it without using additives. I reduced the use of my 2 250 W MH's from 6 hrs a day to 3. I reduced use of my actinics from 6 hrs to 5. I installed two more powerheads directed at the substrate. I reduced feeding from...
  13. edubb777

    Coral ID Please

  14. edubb777

    One Anemone Two Clowns?

    I just ordered a bulb anenome and two (un-mated pair) Ocellaris Clowns. Will one anenome (medium 3-5") host both fish?
  15. edubb777

    Coral ID Please

    Could someone please identify these corals please. I have heard so many different names and am not sure what they are called. Also, can someone tell me why the purple zoas have what appears to be a abnormal growth on them.