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  1. twistat420

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    I have been seeing more of these and do not know what they are. They are growing on my LR in darker areas. They are transparent and seem to have siphons. The siphons close when threatened or light hits them. They are soft and will shrivel up if touched and then open up again. I have one that is...
  2. twistat420

    Help !! F@#$ing LFS

    Originally Posted by hardcrab67 You can do a 20%- 50% every couple of days. What are your EXACT readings. Prime will detoxify Nitrites, Ammonia, and Nitrates, Running Carbon won't hurt. Find some good water and mix for 24hrs at least before change. 1.024 ph8.2 nh3/4 = .25 No3= 50 no2=.5 got...
  3. twistat420

    Help !! F@#$ing LFS

    Originally Posted by twistat420 Hard to do water changes when LFS water is screwed up. Need to lower levels NOW. Way past danger/ DEATH levels didnt see PS. How soon can i change if i changed today
  4. twistat420

    Help !! F@#$ing LFS

    Hard to do water changes when LFS water is screwed up. Need to lower levels NOW. Way past danger/ DEATH levels
  5. twistat420

    Help !! F@#$ing LFS

    My levels were a tad high and was time for water change. So went to LFS to get water changed tank water tested and now levels are off the charts.!!! Tested LFS water and it was the prob. What can i do to SAFLEY lower levels. LFS reccomened Prime and New Carbon ??? Dont trust them anymore HELP
  6. twistat420

    Decorator crab eating corals!

    Take that that back i just noticed that my blue sponge frag is gone :scared: Found it all over my decorator crab in very small pieces. Guess i will get it back later. At least their is a small piece attached to the LR Maybe it will grow back
  7. twistat420

    Decorator crab eating corals!

    So far it has only gone after my zoos and xenia thats all i have besides my BTA and LTA and fish. My zoos look a little bare but will fill back in and does NO damage to them. The zoos are alive on his back and do just fine. The xenia will also look like it has lost a few arms but no damage...
  8. twistat420

    Decorator crab eating corals!

    Originally Posted by Reef Diver My new decorator crab, just walked over to a hairy mushroom, and started eating it, it actually put the pieces in its mouth! I think it ate a pipe organ too! They are not eating it they are doing something to make it stick to their body. It will put stuff all...
  9. twistat420

    XM 20k MH or ????

    Originally Posted by murph145 heres a pic of my tank with the phoenix 14k's .... trust me ull love them and u wont need any actinic supplementation WOW Looks GREAT I think i will get a phoenix 14k !!
  10. twistat420

    XM 20k MH or ????

    is ther much difference in color between 14k and 20k. I was told the 20 k would bring out more color in my blue and pink zoos and others. Will the 14k give me more growth with less color than a 20 k?? Show me pics of your tank with the phoenix or xm bulbs please specify bulb type. thanks for...
  11. twistat420

    XM 20k MH or ????

    A friend of mine recommend me getting a XM 20k mh bulb. What do you think. What are the most popular HQI brands?? I have heard of Hamilton, Phenix, and XM. Also if you switch brands of bulbs is it better to slowly increace the time that the new bulb is on or just pop it in and keep regular...
  12. twistat420

    LFS RO machine is broke and NEED to top off tank

    Originally Posted by opus18 be sure it specifies RO... The outside machines around our area specify, but one inside a store doesn't. I asked the manager and it turned out to just be filtered... :scared: THANK YOU for the info almost bought filtered
  13. twistat420

    LFS RO machine is broke and NEED to top off tank

    Thank You all for the quick response. I decide NOT to use the spring water and i called the grocery store by me and they only have filtered water THANKS opus18 I almost bought filtered. :scared: I also read on another website that you have to be carful on bottled water because sometimes they...
  14. twistat420

    LFS RO machine is broke and NEED to top off tank

    My LFS ro macine is broke and i need to top off tank and donot want to use tap water. Can i use Bottled water. I drink Crystal Geyser natural spring water can i use this to top off
  15. twistat420

    Is clam dying???

    What type of clam is in the 3rd pic. It is blue and purple
  16. twistat420

    Red Alage ??

    Originally Posted by crzyfshygy Dude that stuff grows like weeds in tank. I crop it every week. Its called Halmenia ( do not quote me on the spelling) It only grows under good conditions they sell a small 3in frag here for 14.99 you could make some extra $$...
  17. twistat420

    Red Alage ??

    Originally Posted by JDykstra I want some!!! Thanks, Jennifer Email bounces back email me at
  18. twistat420

    Red Alage ??

    crzyfshygy Thanks for the id
  19. twistat420

    Red Alage ??

    please leave email to be counted as one of the 3
  20. twistat420

    Red Alage ??

    I had a extra large turo snail eat at it so i took it back. This stuff grows fast just from a small piece. The first 3 people to POST and ask me for a piece will get a 1in x 1in piece for FREE just pay priority shipping will be under 1 lb so it will cost you 4.05 :cheer: paypal account...