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  1. beginner01

    Algae Control Suggestions

    Thanks for the quick response. I figured that the skimmer was the biggest issue. Besdies that I think I need to stock the tank with more cleaners and cetain fishys. I love Blennys and Gobys. They are my very favorite fish. My next tank mate will be a Lawnmower Blenny. I do water canges regularly...
  2. beginner01

    Algae Control Suggestions

    I have had a 55 gal set up for about 9 months with HOB filters, 2 Maxi-Jet 1200 PH and no protein skimmer yet. The very next thing I buy will be a skimmer. I know this could be contributing to my algae problem but can not be the major source for it. I am so fed up with this brown algae I am...
  3. beginner01

    Will arranging rock work cause a cycle?

    I have a 55 gal FOWLR. I actually have only one Clownfish and a small cleaner crew. I decided this weekend to re-arrange my rock work. It was time to do a water change. I also did about a 30-40% water change rather than my usual 20% due to brown and green hair algae. Without thinking it through...
  4. beginner01

    Stocking ???'s

    Can you have more than one Blenny and also more than one Goby/Shrimpgoby in a 55 gal? These are my favorite fish and I want more than one of each but do not want to create problems later. How does this sound? This is probably TOO many fishys but please comment. 2 False Percula Clownfish...
  5. beginner01

    Cleaner Crew Help ASAP Please

    Oh - I had no idea about the boiling water. That is a great natural way to kill them. I will do this. Thanks for your help. Since it may not be so neccesary for me to have the peppermint shrimps now do you think i can mix different shrimps maybe like 2 cleaner and 2 peppermint or something.
  6. beginner01

    Cleaner Crew Help ASAP Please

    TYPO - SORRY! Cute Little Guys
  7. beginner01

    Cleaner Crew Help ASAP Please

    I don't think I want to get any more hermits. Cut little guys but I have been doing reading here about them eating fish and I do not want to got hat route. I will stick wiht just the 3 I already have and get extra snails. Does this sound like a winner? Also, do you have any suggestions for my...
  8. beginner01

    Cleaner Crew Help ASAP Please

    Is is possible to add too many inverts for the purpose of cleaning your tank? I have to place an order today online for a few inhabitants but have noticed that most of them come in groupings. I have a 55 gal with only one clownfish, 5 nassarius snails, 5 astrea, and about only 3 hermits. I have...
  9. beginner01

    Clownfish Behavior

    I have a single False Percula in a 55 gal. It is the only fish that I currently have along with hermits and snails and live rock of course. When we first got the fish, it stayed at the far right corner of the tank but did ocassionally swim around the tank especially when it was dinner time. It...
  10. beginner01


    Oh and I have been feeding him twice a day with brine shrimp only. Once in the morning and once when I arrive home from work. He is already used to this routine and as soon as I walk by the tank he goes crazy trying to get my attention. After I feed him he is perfectly normal again. He knows...
  11. beginner01


    Thanks for the information. I was not aware that I should be feeding such a variety. I will begin immediately. I do have some other pellet food and krill that I have been feeding the clownfish but it will not eat it. He also will not eat the ORA - GLO. It scoops it up then spits it right back...
  12. beginner01


    What should I be feeding my clownfish and how many times a day? Also, has anyone ever heard of this food called ORA-GLO or something that is uppose to help a clownfish maintain its color? Mine will not eat it. I wonder if it is just a supplement or something. - Afraid to ask lfs. Thanks!
  13. beginner01

    Bioload in a 55 Gal

    Thanks! You are right about the damsels. the more I read in the forums the quicker I am to change my mind about these fishys. I do love the domino damsel though.
  14. beginner01

    Bioload in a 55 Gal

    Can anyone tell me how I can figure out my max amt of fish i can put in my 55 gal? Is there a general rule of thumb - like 1 fish per x gal? Also, Is adding 2 damsels, 10 hermits, 3 emerald crabs, 1 cucumber, and 1 starfish all at the same time too much. I have a clown in the tank already...
  15. beginner01

    Clownfish Help

    I purchased my first fish this weekend. He is a false percula. I do not know what I was thinking but he seemed so lonely in the tank by himself. I plan to get a Clarkii to go along with him. My two questions are this: I have no idea what to feed him. The lfs said brine shrimp but I want to be...
  16. beginner01

    anyone with a refracor HELP!!!!!!

    I just purchased one of these online (captive purity brand) and it is awsome. I was using a hydrometer that was off by like 7 points so they are not at all accurate in my opinion. It looks the same as your description - in blue case - foam lined - dropper - etc. and I paid $70.00 plus shipping...
  17. beginner01

    Feeding CLeaner Crew

    Should I feed my cleaner crew and if so what? I have not purchased yet, just wondering. I plan to have your basics.
  18. beginner01

    Cleaner Crew

    I know that you should only add like 1 fish or so at a time so should you only add 1 part of the cleaner crew at a time or is it ok to add them all at once? Also, this is really stupid but do you have to acclimate the cleaner crew?
  19. beginner01

    Brown Sand

    Thanks! I thought that would be the answer.
  20. beginner01

    Brown Sand

    I have read over and over again about diatoms and brown sand here in the forums. But I am still a little confused. Do I need a cleaner crew immdeiately or will the tank recover on its own? How long should it take to re-cover? If I need a cleaner crew what would be the best? I have nothing in the...