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  1. ravenno92

    Tank unknowns

    the specs on your glass could be copepods
  2. ravenno92

    Weird Panther

    he could have a problem with his swim bladder
  3. ravenno92


    i was wondering if there is any way to cut back the growth on star poylps like with mushrooms and xenia
  4. ravenno92

    Hitchhiker takeover?

    the anemone looking things are probably aptasia
  5. ravenno92

    Setting up sw tank

    after u add the live rock u should wait till the tank is done cycling to add fish(should take about a month)
  6. ravenno92


    will it clear up on its own
  7. ravenno92


    Ok i have a quick question, my tank has been cycling for about 1 week and on my substrate(cc gonna try to get ls) there is this orangish brown stuff and there is some on my lr also i was wondering what is this stuff?
  8. ravenno92

    first timer

    lr dosent need a powerhead.And the price of the live rock depends on your lfs my lfs prices the lr on how long it has been cured(has coralline algae on it and more beneficial things have been aloud to grow) and also how much each piece weighs
  9. ravenno92


    Last night i was lookin in my tank and i noticed a small crab hiding in the lr. He is about the sise of a hermit(without shell) his legs are hairy and red and the rest of his body is a grayish color. He peeks out from the rock at night i havent seen him during the day. Any ideas on what this...
  10. ravenno92

    What will Clean the Bottom of My Tank

    do u think a jawfish and a diamond goby would be fine in the same tank?
  11. ravenno92

    Algae attack....algae attack...

    how long do u keep your lights on for??And also if your tank is still cycling then you shouldnt be doing water changes yet it prolongs the cycle
  12. ravenno92

    stock for 40gl

    i was thinking about gettin a yellow headed jawfish 1 or a pair of clowns and i was wondering what else what would be good choices to put with them
  13. ravenno92


    Thank you
  14. ravenno92


    Ok i have set up my new 40gl long, it is in the process of cycling and the stand i have currently dosent look very stable so we have ordered(sp?) a new wood stand from my lfs and my question is if i take out all the lr and water move the tank and stand and put the new stand where i want it and...