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  1. corcoadam

    Setting up a new tank: Need Advice

    No, the tank is not yet drilled.
  2. corcoadam

    Setting up a new tank: Need Advice

    I plan on having mostly fish but I may consider adding a few corals later. I think I'm the most confused about how to set up the sump. I'm going to go the DIY route, just trying to cut costs where I can. What size tank would I need for a sump for a 40 gal display? What size hole would need...
  3. corcoadam

    Setting up a new tank: Need Advice

    I tried the saltwater thing once and it didn't go so hot so I'm going to do it again, the right way. I've got a 40 gal tank and the stand. Please give a list of equipment that I will need. I've already got and understand the importance of live rock and sand. But what about all the other stuff...
  4. corcoadam

    Help Getting Started Again

    I really like aggressive fish but I think I'm going to go with some easy to maintain fish at first. Then, I may move up to some aggressives or corals or whatever.
  5. corcoadam

    Help Getting Started Again

    I am preparing to purchase a 250 gal. tank. What I would love to have help with is a complete list of everything I'll need and the quantities I will need. I've had a 40 gal. for about a year and a half and though I wouldn't call the experience a negative one, it wasn't exactly great either. I do...
  6. corcoadam


    I have about 40 lbs. of liverock in my tank currently. I'm looking to upgrade and don't want to spend a lot of money. What kind of rock do you get to put in the tank to mix in with the liverock? I've seen where existing liverock can "seed" the other rock and the same with sand. Any help will be...
  7. corcoadam


    He's a volitan. My tank is a 40 gal. I'm feeding him dried shrimp currently. I was thinking that he may have gotten stuck in the filter but I wouldn't think it would happen numerous times.
  8. corcoadam


    I've had a small lionfish in my tank for about 4 months. He was lively and eating very well for about 2 months, but now he's very lethargic and I haven't actually seen him eat in about 2 months. Some of the lower spines on his pectoral fins are broken off as well. Is there anything I can do to...
  9. corcoadam

    Hurt Lionfish

    I have a Radiata Lion that is about 3 inches long in terms of body length. For about a week now, it's just been lying around, swimming very little and not eating at all to my knowledge. It appears that it's left pectoral fin is used very little if at all. Is there anything I can do or should I...
  10. corcoadam

    Stock List

    I have a 40 gal. tank with about 3 inches of sand and maybe 40 lbs of liverock. Here's a list of what I want. Let me know if you think it will work. I already have a Volitan Lion. It's about 3 inches long (in terms of body trunk). I would like to get: Copperband Butterfly Porcupine Puffer Some...
  11. corcoadam

    Horseshoe Crab

    I'm thinking about getting a group of three horseshoes crabs. I have a 40 gal. tank with a small volitan lion, five hermit crabs, and two snails. Thanks
  12. corcoadam

    Schooling Fish

    I'd like to get some small fish that will school. Any suggestions?
  13. corcoadam


    Hi, I planning on stocking my tank with aggressive fish. It's been set up for almost a year now and I've gone through a few different kinds of fish but I really like the aggressive ones. It's a 40 gal. tank. I have a couple questions. I know I definitely want a lionfish. I'd also like a trigger...
  14. corcoadam

    Need Advice

    Originally, I put aquarium gravel in the bottom of my tank. Now I've decided to change it and put down sand. I have somewhere around 40 lbs of live rock and two fish in my tank currently. When I put the sand in, I', planning on changing the water while I was at it. When I do all this, I was...
  15. corcoadam

    What else?

    I have a 40 gal tank with a clown fish and a sailfin tang. What else should I get?
  16. corcoadam


    Currently, all I have is a clown, a snail, a chocolate chip star, and an anemone (that my clown doesnt like for some reason - if anyone knows why it would be great). I'm wanting to add a trigger, a lionfish, at least one tang, and maybe a couple other things. Would there be any problems with...
  17. corcoadam

    Questions from someone who is very inexperienced

    I have a couple questions that I hope won't get people on here biting my head off but will get people to explain things to me. I acquired a 40 gal aquarium from a friend of mine and he said it was set up for salt water fish but didn't give me much else to go on. I purchased the acquarium gravel...
  18. corcoadam

    starfish... please help

    I've posted before and no one responded so I'm going to try again... I have had a serpent starfish for about 3 months. He's been the only organism in my aquarium beside some rock. Last weekend, I added a clownfish and a condi anemone. A couple days after that, my starfish started autotomizing...
  19. corcoadam

    Starfish losing legs

    I have a banded serpent starfish that is losing his legs. He is down to 2 legs now. I can't understand why he's doing this. I know he's autotomizing them because he's doing it himself but I don't know why so many at once. I just added a clownfish and a condylactia anemone but I didn't think they...
  20. corcoadam

    Big Problem: Need advice

    I've had my tank for about a month. The heater is an Acura 100 Watt. It was shipped from Tetra warehouse.