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  1. doink1230

    Would these 2 guys be compatible?

    Some of my friends had triggers and puffers together without problems, but I never have. I had a 6'' clown trigger and a gold spotted moray eel together, they looked awesome together, and they got along fine. I added a lionfish, who I think killed the eel during acclimation to the tank.
  2. doink1230

    Having problems with my lionfish (feeding)

    The live feeders eventually got my whole tank sick, I lost the lion and almost lost my Clown Trigger. I eventually got another lion, I made sure that to drop the food in front of the filter return so it would blow across the tank. That triggered its feeding/hunting reflex and it would suck...
  3. doink1230

    deadly aggressive 160 gal.

    I've already spent probably 3 times what I expected to spend when I first got into the hobby, but I like to try and make my tanks as natural an environment as they had or would have in the wild. All the fish I have i've gotten small with the realization that they can get very large and that I...
  4. doink1230

    Making 75 aggressive

    I have 3 triggers and a lion together for over a year and have not had a problem. I also recently added a 4 trigger to the tank (he fights with most of the other fish, but doesn't go near the lion). My lion is about 6-7 inches, and is the same size as the largest fish (the new trigger) in the...
  5. doink1230

    can u keep if any kind of coral with triggers and puffers ???

    in a tank with mushrooms, brains and some soft corals. They leave the corals alone, but I've heard they will eat hard corals.
  6. doink1230

    deadly aggressive 160 gal.

    that 55 gallons was the minimum for the undulate and the niger. I would like to get a 300 + gallon tank eventually. The niger is only about 3-4 inches right now, so I think I have some time. I do want to get them into bigger tanks as they grow.
  7. doink1230

    My new undulated

    Are you keeping it solo, or are you going to keep it with other fish?
  8. doink1230

    deadly aggressive 160 gal.

    Currently they are all in the 125 gallons (I know that is too much). I also have a 75 and 55 gallon that are not setup yet due to moving. Once the other tanks are setup the undulated and possibly another fish I don't own yet are going in the 55 gallon (fish only tank). The niger, 2 tangs and...
  9. doink1230

    deadly aggressive 160 gal.

    the undulated. I have a humu and lion fish together, and they get along fine. The problem is I add an undulated trigger about a month ago, and it fights with everyone but the lion. None of my fish back down from the undulated, and everyone (except the lion and gobies) at one time or another...