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  1. pudd'ntang

    Can’t keep pH up in a new tank!!

    Usually your PH will drop when your ammonia and nitrite levels are high, check your water readings. Also do a water change if necessary if they are high. Your PH should stabilize.
  2. pudd'ntang

    Stubborn Red Slime Algae

    I agree, check your water readings, Red slime usually appears in a newly established tank. Your tank may also have a high phospate reading. If you want to use the chemical route, there is a powder called red slime removal that will get rid of it. But you need to check your water readings! :)
  3. pudd'ntang

    Rose anemone

    Would anyone get an rose anemome with a 45 gal corner tank. If so where would you place it in the tank?
  4. pudd'ntang

    Picky Perc

    The elegant is dying on one end. He looks like he's trying to go into the mouth. There was an anemone in the tank,I do think he is missing it. What kind of anemone can I get that doesn't require a whole lot of light? I can't seem to keep one. I'll try the rubber band thing. Any body else have...
  5. pudd'ntang

    Picky Perc

    My perc keeps poking my elegant coral, is this normal behavior? :mad:
  6. pudd'ntang

    Elagance on its way out- take out of tank?

    Really, Do you think that would help?
  7. pudd'ntang

    Elegant Coral

    Any help on the Elegant, or is everyone still talking to Mr. Bubble (smile)
  8. pudd'ntang

    My hammer coral is dying!!

    How often are you feeding it? and What? Sometimes they shrink do to high nitrates/amonina and low feedings.
  9. pudd'ntang


    No I'm not going there ;) I'ts about 12 inches, its red and black.
  10. pudd'ntang

    Elagance on its way out- take out of tank?

    You should take it out. Your amomina and nitrate will climb and I don't know if you want to take that risk of killing everything else in your tank.
  11. pudd'ntang


    I also got a huge!! I mean huge cucumber, I didn't know it was that large until I saw it in my tank. (45 gal) Is there a size limit in relation to tank size on these things? If so I'm going to have to take it to another pet store to trade it.
  12. pudd'ntang

    Elegant Coral

    I just aquired an Elegant Coral. I've read where they eat microplanton, and I also read where they eat silversides, What is true and how often should I feed it? And Lighting, I've got it near the top of my tank now. Also do they do well in tanks nutrient rich tanks? I've read conflicting stories...
  13. pudd'ntang

    Fish & Coral Sites

    On line vendors or anyone we can discuss. I've looked at several websites and all have different prices. I've been comparing to this website. I'm familar with the quality here, and I was wondering can we discuss other websites that have good quality.
  14. pudd'ntang

    Fish & Coral Sites

    What sites has everyone had the best luck with? If we are allowed to discuss this in here?
  15. pudd'ntang

    Anemome Problems

    The type of filtration system I have is a sump, no bio-balls. I'll leave the skimmer on. So should I throw out the bubble coral, hammer coral and brain coral? the Brain coral is still somewhat green, but the bubble coral, doesn't have anymore bubbles, they are all deflated. the hammer coral is...
  16. pudd'ntang

    Anemome Problems

    Well, I've done massive water changes, the anomie did die, so far the deaths have been, flowerpot, mushrooms are running all over the tank, serpent star, cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, the frogspawn, the hammer coral, brain coral, bubble coral all look sick, the tube anomie wont come out...
  17. pudd'ntang

    Anemome Problems

    Can anyone help me? <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" />
  18. pudd'ntang

    Anemome Problems

    Please help !! I had an anemome to get sick and really mess up my water quality in my tank. I've done massive water changes, I've added ammono lock, fritzim and cycle, but tthe amonia level won't drop. I've lost coral, and shrimp. I'm suprised my fish are still alive. The feather duster lost its...
  19. pudd'ntang

    Transfer of Tank/New Tank - Any Sharks Avail?

    Hi everyone, I'm having problems again. The ammonia is rising on this transfer. I did a water change last night, Is there anything else I can do? I'm afraid I'm going to lose my star polyp, It hasn't opened in a week.
  20. pudd'ntang

    Kole Tang

    Has anyone on this board had problems with Kole tangs getting Ick. I can seem to put him in the display tank. I did a water change and immediately he had white spot on him. I even placed the new water in a bag to let the temparatures equalize. I don't know what to do? I put him back in the...