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  1. jewtity

    Lionfish Help Fast Please!!!

    so i guess theres nothing i can do??
  2. jewtity

    Lionfish Help Fast Please!!!

    forget to mention that the tank is 120 gallons and the water parameters are where they need to be
  3. jewtity

    Lionfish Help Fast Please!!!

    ok just bought a black finned lionfish from a shady fish store here in and they said they were feeding him goldfish. So i get him home and for the past two days he was breathing heavily. So from experience from my last dead lionfish, i assumed those idiots had overfed him and there was...
  4. jewtity

    LOOKING FOR A 90-125gal w/Tops and Lights

    Hey i am just looking for a 90 to 125 gallon fish tank with the top and lights, thats all i need. Also the tank would need to be shipped to Green Bay, Wi.
  5. jewtity

    Mircobubbles With Seaclone Skimmer

    i have a 55gal fish only tank with about 40 pounds of live rock. I have had it setup since august and my skimmer for about 2 months now. It was working fine and then it started with the mircobubbles going it to the tank. It always happened after i feed the fish, but then usually it would go...
  6. jewtity

    Seaclone skimmer users

    MY seaclone works great, ignore the people that give this thing a bad rep. My works fine, but i did remove that foam filter around the intake and shortened the air line, now it pulls loads of S*** out of my tank. Also once you find that sweet spot with the air valve, just mark it and forget about
  7. jewtity


    i know i fed the lionfish wrong, because i had fed everyday and large chunks of the same krill. But what should u do if ur fish has impaction
  8. jewtity

    Freshwater Dip

    What is the procedure for doing a freshwater dip on a Lionfish for example? How long do you keep the fish in the water?
  9. jewtity


    how do you do a freshwater dip?
  10. jewtity


    he'll only eat krill now, i put in formula 1 and those sheets, which my clown trigger and angel eat
  11. jewtity


    nah i don't feed them goldfish, i know thats bad for them
  12. jewtity


    i had a loinfish die of impaction, and i was wondering if i have to watch out for that in dogface puffers too. What are the signs of the start of impaction? what can be done? Good ways to avoid it? Does a low salinty help with prevention of infections? Thanks
  13. jewtity

    Yellow Tangs agressive fish?????+

    i got a yellow tang then later a dogface and clown trigger. The trigger is basically ripping its back fin off, but its still living and it otherwise good condition
  14. jewtity

    Starfish For Aggressive Tank??

    no my sand bed would not be deep enough, but why couldn't i keep a clown and a dogface in a 55gal for awhile while their still small, i do realize that i'll need a bigger tank but not for awhile yet, right?
  15. jewtity

    buying from

    i am not promoting the site, i was wondering if it was any good and if they can be trusted with fish, its not my fault that a lot of times they have a better selection then here
  16. jewtity

    buying from

    i was just curious if anyone has order fish, coral, etc from I never see anyone talking about it here. So i was wonder are they a good place to order from?
  17. jewtity

    Buying Hermit Crab Shells From This Site

    i was just wondering if anyone has bought hermit crab shells from this site, It says there are 50 and under size it says 1/2 inch. Is that just a typo and the shells come in bigger sizes or are they all 1/2 inch. Thanx
  18. jewtity

    Starfish For Aggressive Tank??

    can any type of starfish survive in a tank with a clown trigger, dogface puffer?
  19. jewtity

    Clown trigger set up advice

    yea that tank would be huge to produce a 20" clown trigger, ur only going to find those sizes in the wild
  20. jewtity

    Blue Face Angle W/ Clown Trigger ????

    currently its a 55gal but i'm looking to get a 90 gallon soon