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  1. roxys655

    Blenny harmony

    Anybody? Getting different opinions the more research I do.
  2. roxys655

    Blenny harmony

    Can I have a bicolor blenny and a lawnmower blenny in a 30 gal tank?
  3. roxys655

    Clownfish are hosting anemone - help

    Does anyone have any ideas?
  4. roxys655

    Clownfish are hosting anemone - help

    Finally last night my percula clown started hosting my BTA. I have questions though. First of all I have two percula clowns, one is older and bigger than the other one. They are between 1 1/2 and 2 years old. Only the bigger one has started hosting my BTA so far. The hosting started last...
  5. roxys655

    repeat buyers level?

    alyssia, do you know if you can put something on hold. There are a couple of things I want but they don't total enough yet. In addition, I have a credit for an anenome, but it's not in stock right now.
  6. roxys655

    Purple lobster

    Whats a good iodine level. Never measured mine
  7. roxys655

    Purple lobster

    Thank you Alesia for the reply. I usually leave the shrimps molts in there, but they are much smaller. The lobster molt is a good two inches.
  8. roxys655

    Purple lobster

    I guess no one knows really. I think I will leave it in there for a day or two and just watch my levels. :happyfish
  9. roxys655

    repeat buyers level?

    How often do you have to order to get free items?
  10. roxys655

    repeat buyers level?

    I would like to know this too!
  11. roxys655

    Purple lobster

  12. roxys655

    Excel Spreadsheet, for tacking water conditions

    What are the perfect water conditions for a reef tank - ie salinity, temp, phosphate, calcium, etc. I know ammonia and nitrates should always be 0. Any ideas?
  13. roxys655

    Purple lobster

    Hey everyone! Guess what - my purple lobster finally molted. I can't believe it! Of course, I wasn't home when it happened. My question to everyone is do I leave it in the tank - the shell I mean - or take it out before it decays. Will it spike my nitrates. I have a 30 gal tank with 3 fish...
  14. roxys655

    Green Ricordia

    Where did you place them in your tank?
  15. roxys655

    Green Ricordia

    How fast should they grow? Mine are very small, but they appear to be bigger already. I also purchased green fuzzy grass, which is doing really good. I am just concerned that the polyps color seems to fade at times.
  16. roxys655

    Green Ricordia

    The rics I purchased from this site. They are the green ricordia polyps for $7.99. My tank is 29 gal. My lights are new power compacts 130W with lunar lights. They are mounted over my tank about 4"
  17. roxys655

    Green Ricordia

    Does anyone have experience with Green Ricordia? I got three small polyps from this site last week. They are my first attempt at corals. My question is how much lighting do they need. I placed them in the middle of my tank. I have the Corallife lighting system. In the morning the blue...
  18. roxys655

    corraline algae-need help growing it

    Is purple up safe for reef tanks? How do you put it in? :jumping:
  19. roxys655

    Dead BTA anemone

    Thank you everyone for your help. I did change the carbon filters immediately and cleaned out both pumps. It's not as cloudy this morning but i'm doing another water change tonight. Should I raise the salinity a little bit until this crisis passes - i keep it at 1.021?
  20. roxys655

    Dead BTA anemone

    Went away for the weekend and my new BTA got sucked into the pump. I don't know if that is what killed him or if he was already dead when he got sucked up. My problem is my tanks is all cloudy now and there are pieces of him all over the place. I have removed as many pieces as i can and did a...