Search results

  1. anthonyeku

    Coral Beauty with Glassy Eye

    Our coral beauty angel seems to have something wrong with one of her eyes. One looks normal and the other looks like there's a small glass covering over the entire eye. Is the glassy eye wrong or is the other eye missing the small glass dome? Also, we purchased a cleaner shrimp yesterday and...
  2. anthonyeku

    Video of my Tank

    We have a 55 gallon tank and I think you're referring to our Bluefin damsel.
  3. anthonyeku

    My setup and where to go from here

    I got a cleaner shrimp today! We named him Gellar after Monica Gellar on "Friends" who loves to clean. haha One fish already got a scrubbing.
  4. anthonyeku

    Video of my Tank

    Originally Posted by hot883 Looks good. I was always told though that bubblers can not be good for salt tanks as the bubbles mess with the gills of the fish. Really? I read that they are good because they create a current and our fish love to swim through it over and over again. Thanks...
  5. anthonyeku

    Video of my Tank

    I can't ever get good photos of them so we always do video. If anyone's interested:
  6. anthonyeku

    My setup and where to go from here

    Originally Posted by Merredeth I'd get rid of the tang because your tank is too small. They will give your other tankmates ich as anytime they are stressed that is what happens. I've heard that gobies help control ich and that they eat it right off of Tangs and other fish. Is this true...
  7. anthonyeku

    My setup and where to go from here

    Really? Our clown is already 2 inches and that's full size right? He isn't territorial at all so what do you mean when you say he'll take up half the tank? And sorry to sound dumb but what does BTA stand for?
  8. anthonyeku

    My setup and where to go from here

    I really wish I would have found this board BEFORE I started a saltwater tank because I feel like one of the ignorant customers that pet stores have to deal with on a regular basis. I am really glad I decided to go with a saltwater tank though because it is so much more enjoyable. Now that...
  9. anthonyeku

    The worst thing a LFS CUSTOMER ever said

    I love these stories! They are so hilarious and they make me feel not quite so ignorant!
  10. anthonyeku

    Dottyback Disappearance

    Wow, is this a magic board? She just reappeared. I feel pretty stupid. Sorry guys.
  11. anthonyeku

    Dottyback Disappearance

    Yesterday we bought a Bicolor Dottyback. We turned our heads for not even a minute and when we looked again, it was gone. There has been no sign of it anywhere. We've taken out our live rock and looked in all of the crevices and looked EVERYWHERE possible and we can't find it anywhere...