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  1. imperator

    Reef Time

    I will answer what I can. Figi is a great rock, usually full of corallin algae in pink and purple. It can have life on it mostly caluperas and a little sponge. What is sounds like you had before was gulf/carribean rock. Figi is usually a light porous rock with lots of holes or lose space in it...
  2. imperator

    new begginings

    I will let someone with more knowledge answer the quetions involving reefs, but what i will reply to is this. The oily substance on the surface is due to poor water movement on the surface. You need some water breaking up the surface, this will get rid of the oil(which I believe to be protein)...
  3. imperator

    KRIS & the Canister Filter

    Hey Beth, I saw your post for a good canister filter. I used to use a Magnum 350, and got sick of it. I have heard great things about the new fluvals. If you opt for a fluval make sure you asked if it is the improved version. When they first came out there was a problem. Most stores put a...
  4. imperator

    picasso again

    I know how you feel. I lost a percula clown a couple of years ago in a shell that my wife loved and demanded it be in the tank. Any way we did not see him when we came home from work, started looking and sure enough he had got stuck in the upper portions of it. Well the shell was tossed. And no...
  5. imperator

    Water Change

    Personally, I would wait. Give your copper time to do its job. Also remember that you want to keep that copper at a constant level for those 10 days. If not, you could have a relapse on your hands. The extra O2 will help them tremendously. My favorite piece of advise is, buy a good book. One...
  6. imperator


    I like using a couple of things. Try Selcon by American Marine as a vitamin, it works great. So does Zoe by Kent. To use either of these just add them to the food you are about to give and let it soak for awhile. I also like romaine, especially when your are in a small town, and nothing else is...
  7. imperator

    New Aquarium

    Hello, personally I would trash the under gravel filter. Never liked them,sorry. Bio wheel is good for surface movement. You need to add a skimmer if you plan on many fish, or making a reef, or want to succesfully keep fish for a period of time. A great skimmer, at a good price is the Bak Pak...
  8. imperator

    Wanted: Sugestions on new tank!

    Best advice I can give you is purchase a book on either reef tanks or a coral ID guide. Do your research based on what your willing to provide(ie. VHO, Metal halide, PC, intense water movement,etc.) This way you know everything needed for the species that you buy.
  9. imperator


    I have to also agree with ranger on this subject. If you are going to do a reef, spend the extra cash on equipment now. If you don't, you will be later on. Money on the right equipment and then on new corals and fish. Buy any of the ones that ranger listed, they all perform great. Do not skimp...
  10. imperator

    Tangs and algae

    I would use either romaine or spinach to supplement your tangs diet. Or use some of the freeze dried algae from Tenera( comes in red or blue). My tangs and angels love it.You still need to feed another food, either a mix like Formula One by Ocean Nutrietion or brine shrip. If you can get a...
  11. imperator

    Protein Skimmer

    I have used a CPR Bak-Pak filter/skimmer on a 58 gal. tank for the last three years and still enjoy it. I would recommend the pre skimmer box that they sell as an add on. It helps prolong the life and reduce the cleaning of the pump. I have kept several species healthy with it, and a Emporer HOB...
  12. imperator

    Emperor with HLLE, any suggestions?

    Sorry that you are getting my advise a little late but, I just found this BB. I had a similar problem with both a Regal tang, and a Blue angel about 4 years ago. A friend who was woking in a LFS, told me of a product called Selcon by American Marine. It is a vitamin supplement that can, with...