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  1. bodie

    o man here we go again GRRR!!!

    Originally Posted by bill109 ok heres the deal i have a wall that seperated the kitchen from the living room i want to put a 100 plus gallon in the wall the wall just sticks out as a divider i was thinking on puttting a hole in the wall and setting it in the wall and putting somekind of steel...
  2. bodie

    nutritional value - supplements VS water changes

    i think if you wer to do a waterchange once every 4weeks at 10 percent a time,this would be enough for the reef,but it also depends on how much fish you have that may cause nutrient levels to raise.ive found that if my nitrite and phophate levels are low,nothing else really matters.
  3. bodie

    Which trace element supplements do you use????.

    Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213 so u have to have a fuge in order to have chaeto? i have a refugium and put a load of caulipa in it,but for some reason it did not grow as it should.any idea for this?
  4. bodie

    Which trace element supplements do you use????.

    Originally Posted by Laddy To be honest, if you use a quality salt mix these trace elements really aren't needed. I don't use any trace elements at all in both my tanks and haven't noticed any ill effect. hello there.i do agree that using the rite salt mix is suficiant for the reef.i use reef...