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  1. tebriel

    Help! I knew I shouldn't DIMyself

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 and you need to make sure you place it high enough in the water where it gets exposed to air before your fuge overflows. so i have (coming from the tank to the outside) a 45deg. piece for directional flow, a 90deg. elbow to go up and over the ledge of the tank and...
  2. tebriel

    Help! I knew I shouldn't DIMyself

    Okay, the answer is yes, the flow is reversing and coming back down the return line. How do I stop this? Is there some kind of one way valve?
  3. tebriel

    Help! I knew I shouldn't DIMyself

    Okay, so I filled up my refugium with saltwater, made sure everything was sealed tight and then started my pump. It works, water flows through the overflow box down to the refugium, back up the pump into the tank and it starts all over again. However, when I turn off the water the refugium...
  4. tebriel

    Aiptasia? or Something else says it's just a random coral nothing special, thanks!
  5. tebriel

    Aiptasia? or Something else

    I was told that this was an aiptasia, but when i look at pictures of them online they don't look like this guy. Can I get a verdict?
  6. tebriel

    two questions

    New bulbs, replaced them over 2 weeks so as to not shock my one soft coral (this was about a month ago with new bulbs). I run them for an hour before and after white light to simulate dawn. But i had been running them before from 10-12 and 8-10 instead of 10-10 and have always run my whites...
  7. tebriel

    two questions

    Hi! 1. I had been running my actinics for 4 hrs a day, 1hr before and after white turn on and 1 hr before and after white turn off. I mis-read some posts a while back lol (this was about 4 years ago, I've been running them wrong since). Now that I'm running my actinics the whole span of the...
  8. tebriel

    Sanity Check about Nitrates, Please.

    sepultian: I'm trying to decide on what type of refugium to buy, also thinking about building a phlenum like garf suggests and reconstructing my tank with it, but that would be a lot of work and probably cause me to re-cycle my tank. I dunno if that's the best idea, but I want the best for my...
  9. tebriel

    Sanity Check about Nitrates, Please.

    Originally Posted by Darknes Why so many water changes? 1. 20 ppm isn't really bad for a fish only tank. Have you tried another test kit to see if yours might be off? 2. What brand of salt are you using? Whats the pH of a new batch of saltwater? 3. It's possible. Have you taken it apart...
  10. tebriel

    Sanity Check about Nitrates, Please.

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon "show" tank (wish i had a shorter one, but sometimes you learn things too late) with 110#'s of LR , 55#'s of LS, 1 clown, 2 spotted cardinals, 1 damsel and 1 scissor tail goby. Throw in a few snails and blue legged hermit crabs and you now know my entire tank. It's been...
  11. tebriel

    Who has forgotten and overfilled the bucket w/ RO water?

    I have now, no less than 5 times, left the water running when I went to work while filling up a 5 gallon bucket with my 40gpd system. The real kicker is I'm on the top floor and so my downstairs neighbor's computer room gets my very nice ro/di water down its wall. Neither my landlord nor my...
  12. tebriel

    Refugium for 55 Gallon Tank

    DIY is definitely not for me...i've been down the "oh DIY is actually quite easy" road too many times, does anyone have a suggestion on a good non-HOT refugium, premade for me to buy? Thanks
  13. tebriel

    Refugium for 55 Gallon Tank

    So, I've decided that I should add a refugium to my 55 gallon tank. It will: a. increase water volume b. give me a place to grow macro algae c. add more live rock to my tank d. move my skimmer to the bottom of the tank e. other things that I hope you guys will share with me From my research...
  14. tebriel

    seaclone mods?

    Originally Posted by frogarm i posted a pic of the one i highly modified where is this pic?
  15. tebriel

    Which trace element supplements do you use????.

    Kent: Calcium, Coral Vite, Coral Accel, Strontium & Molybdenum, Iodine, Phytoplex, and Zooplex. LOL Kent must LOVE me.