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  1. le titou

    keeping Hammerhead Sharks

    And there was the case of some fresh water fish from asia that was released into the wild in the US that was able to walk on land for short distances, ate everything (plants, fish, inverts, frogs, ect.) then moved on to a new body of water. They ended up poisoning the lake it was in, kiling...
  2. le titou

    whats the #1

    what about a trumpetfish, but i think they get too big for a 150...something like 20". Or a sea robin, cool fish. Get a walking batfish, i dont think that they are agressive but man are they cool!
  3. le titou

    Manofwar fish???

    Oh what a shame, i really liked the look of this fish.
  4. le titou

    Manofwar fish???

    i also have a 180, too big for that too???
  5. le titou

    Manofwar fish???

  6. le titou

    Manofwar fish???

    no, not the jelly, thank god if a LFS had one i would flip(those things are huge) They have the fish that lives in them. Its small silver and metalic blue-ish. I'll try and find a pic
  7. le titou

    Yellow Tang picking on new Heniochus

    i think that the tang is just making his dominance known to the new guy, if you leave it after a while he should stop.
  8. le titou

    Manofwar fish???

    A LFS has a manofwarfish in and i was wondering if its a good fish for a 55???
  9. le titou

    shipwreck tank

    sounds cool!
  10. le titou

    Leaving the hobby, everything must go.

    Im in new lebanon NY maybe in the same area, If you have any more LR please send me and email at
  11. le titou

    Setting up a Hawaiian only tank

    Plus potters are not hardy and usually DIE
  12. le titou

    acclumation of blue green chromis

    They are really hardy, great SCHOOLING fish. They dont do well and usually die if not kept in schools. And dont worry about the odd number thing, i think its just like an old wives tale. We had five and just added a sixth and there was no problem. As soon as he was introduced he joined the...
  13. le titou

    New Trigger pic

    it kinda looks like a black durgen (spelling?) from the of of mexico. I saw a school of them (or maybe some other trigger) when diving there over thanks giving.
  14. le titou

    post your puffer fish

    i love those valentini puffers i had one and he was just so funny.
  15. le titou

    Tang help

    Tangs do fight but yellow tangs can be housed together. Just look around the boards. You just have to introduce them together.
  16. le titou

    Tang help

    Hmm, i dont know what to make of that yellow tang story, i know of many people who have many yellow tangs in their tanks. As for in the naso family, i know that they are closely related but does any one think it is at all posible?
  17. le titou

    Tang help

    I have a 300g tank and im thinking tangs. I was wondering if i could put these fish in it. Unicorn Tang Vlemingii Tang Scopus Tang Sixbar Angel Pearl Scale Butterfly the main problem is i know tangs fight so im concerned with the trio. Please help thanks
  18. le titou

    Tang help

    Sorry posted twice