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  1. brenn

    Coral Beauty!

    I also have a coral beauty and a flame - in 2 separate tanks. Although the flame was love at first sight (the reason I got into salt water), I now like my coral beauty just as much. They're both really active and love to pick off the live rock.
  2. brenn

    Coral Beauty not eating

    I had a similar problem when I brought mine home a couple of weeks ago. For a few days, it would not come out from under the rocks. Sometimes when walking into the room I would see it swimming around, but it would hide as soon as it saw me. However, after a few days it suddenly started...
  3. brenn

    Advice on new fish selection

    I think a coral beauty would be a nice choice. They're not too expensive and nice to look at. I bought one last week and like it a lot - but it's extremely shy. I have a flame in my other tank, which I also love. However, it's a bigger chance to take since they are more pricey and don't...
  4. brenn

    Anyone have a Bangaii (sp)?

    I don't have one, but they are often at my lfs and I have asked about them. My fish guy told me that it's hard to get them to eat anything but brine shrimp. He says, however, there is always the exception, but generally getting them to eat prepared food is not so easy.
  5. brenn


    I'm also pretty happy with my two yellow-tailed damsels. They add color to the tank and haven't caused any problems with my other fish. I put a bi-color dottieback in with them a few months ago and they fought like mad for a few days, but have been 100% peaceful since then (well, at least when...
  6. brenn

    jelly fish

    I don't know of a website, but was wondering if you knew what you were getting into with jellyfish. I have been wanting some for quite a while, but my LFS guy always talks me out of it. We had a long talk about it the other day and he said that every customer he's had with them has eventually...